Always Start With Your Right Arm in This Position for Straighter Drives
Feb 03, 2025Transcript Summary -
If you struggle with a big slice or hook, I want to share a simple fix that I give to every student. No one leaves my lessons still slicing or hooking the ball because I show them exactly how to position their right arm correctly. Where your right arm starts and moves in the backswing is crucial—not just for straighter shots but for adding power, too. In this video, I’ll show you exactly where your right arm should be so you can start hitting much straighter drives almost immediately.
Before we get started, if it’s your first time here, please consider subscribing. I release videos every week to help you improve your game, and I always include a free downloadable practice guide in the description, so you never have to remember a thing!
What Creates Curve in Your Golf Shots?
Let’s quickly break down why your shots curve. If you slice, your clubface is open relative to your swing path, putting clockwise spin on the ball, sending it right. If you hook, your clubface is too closed relative to your path, creating counterclockwise spin and curving the ball left. The goal? Bring the clubface and path closer together for a much straighter shot.
How to Fix Your Slice or Hook
If you slice, your path is likely too far left with the clubface too open. Here’s how to fix it:
1. Exaggerate the Fix First – Set your clubface down at 10 o’clock (closed).
2. Square the Face with Your Forearms – This aligns your forearms more to the right, shifting your path.
3. Hit Shots with This New Setup – Your swing circle will now be more rightward, encouraging a draw rather than a slice.
If you hook the ball, do the opposite: open the clubface slightly (1 o’clock), then square it up with your forearms to neutralize the curve. Start with big adjustments and fine-tune from there until you’re hitting it straight.
How to Add Power with Your Right Arm
Once your right arm is in the correct position, you’ll naturally hit the ball farther. Here’s why:
• If your right arm gets stuck out and away from your body, you chop down on the ball, losing power.
• When positioned correctly, your right arm stays tucked, allowing you to hit more level or slightly up on the ball—this is where real power comes from.
A recent student, Mark, struggled with this because his right arm kept popping out, forcing him to chop down. The fix? He needed better lower-body movement.
The Final Piece: Lower-Body Movement for Consistency
To maintain your right arm’s position, your lower body has to work properly. If your trail pocket (right hip for right-handers) doesn’t move correctly in the backswing, your right arm can’t stay in position. The key is allowing your trail hip to rotate slightly toward the target—this gives your right arm the space to stay in position, preventing that over-the-top move.
Start with small, controlled swings to get the feel for it. Once it clicks, you’ll start hitting much straighter, more powerful drives instantly!
Give this a go and let me know how you get on in the comments. If you enjoyed the video, hit the thumbs-up button and maybe share it with a friend. And if you want to see how this works with irons, check out this video right here. Until next week, have a great golfing week!
Full Transcript - So if you want to hit driver straight or at least straighter I want to share with you something that I give every single one of my students who hook the golf ball or sliced the golf ball no one absolutely no one leaves my lesson hitting the ball with a big slice or a big hood they're all hitting it much straighter because I show them exactly what they need to do to position their right arm correctly where your right arm starts at the swing and then what you do with it in your back swing is crucial if you want to hit the ball much much straighter it's also a really important power move in this video I'm going to show you where that right arm should be so that you can start to learn to hit much straighter almost straight away before I get the video look if you're new to the channel it's your first lesson of mine please consider subscribing at least videos like this every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so if these shots look familiar to you Big Slice to the right or big hook to the left I'm going to show you how you can start to quickly hit much much straighter drives by simply positioning your right arm in the correct place and also so then understanding how you move it in the in the back to maintain your power and your consistency before we do let's talk about what creates the curve in your golfing first then we'll work on how you kind of hit it much straighter so what creates curve let me use a football just to kind of guide you through this process so we're hitting round ball so the generally it's very hard to anything straight there's always going to be some curve if I take my foot here so if you let's start with slicing if you slice a golf ball What's Happening Here is is if this is your Club face and this is the direction you're swinging right if I have that club face completely Square what will happen to that ball the ball will head off in this direction right to the left but if I keep that direction of my foot but then angle the this way I open the club face what's going to happen to the spin that I'm going to put on that ball I am now going to produce look a spin that basically turns in a clockwise Direction so even though I am kind of swinging in this Direction the ball now whoops the ball now is heading out and spinning over to that right hand side that is what we got to fix what is reversely true with people who hook the golf ball same principal look if you hook it your foot is heading look in this direction you probably every so often you hit some stra shot straight to the right that is only because the club face is completely square but if I was to angle that face and turn it now suddenly I'm going to create look a clockwise sorry anticlockwise spin that then curves back to the left hand side so we want to reduce or take control over that spin and here's what we do right we going to grab a ball and I want you to set up and you can do this at home as a simple guideline right so what do you need what's happening if you slice well we've just said the path of your Club is for right hand is going left to Target the forearms where they're lined up is your path so look at this this is my swing Circle here this is what you're doing now your path is here but the face is over there so they're both opposite directions and that's what creates look the bend on this shot right what we need to do is we need the face rather than aiming over there much more here and we need the the path much more here so how do you start to get them closer together really really simple this is if I want you to do to slice it we're going to exaggerate it first take your golf club turn the face down to about 10:00 right so now we've got the face pointing in the opposite direction to what you used to then what we're going to do we're going to square that face up now by only look moving the forearms so now what we've done is is we've got the forearms a me look if we do this we've got the forearms if anything now aiming more to the right hand side of Target while the face is aiming more to the left we've created the perfect environment to create what type of spin this type of spin does that make sense cuz we just said look the more we swing in this direction while the face is more angled in this direction the more we're going to create curve that's all you do and if you have a Big Slice really really exaggerate this to start with so we want to create look I'm going to exaggerate this imagine I've got a massive slice I'm going to turn the wrist down so the face is aing way to the left and then I'm going to square that face up now look look what happens to my swing Circle so the swing Circle aiming more to the right now I'm in a real position now to hook this golf ball and what we're going to see in exaggerated way look is a big hook that's a really exaggerated one you can see look at this my swing circle look is miles to to the right with a face that's aiming left of Target exaggerated yes so all I would do to kind of turn that hook now into maybe a little bit less is so right I'm going to turn that face now not to like like almost 10:00 I'm going to turn it maybe just to 11:00 then Square it up with my forearm so I'm going to here turn it to 11 Square it up just a little bit with my forearms now and this should be now just a simple a simple little draw let's have a look at this in action hey press a little draw swing Circle a positive number mean it's out to the right my face to path is closed and we create a draw how easy is that now before we go to show you how the right arm can help you add power to your driver too let me just summarize really quickly all you have done is simply reversed the process so if you slice your face is aiming too far right and your path is aiming too far left what have you done you've now got your face aiming what feels like more left and you've got your path aiming what feels like more right you have simply reversed those two things now if you hook the golf ball you simply do the opposite what you would do instead is is you probably have too much of that so you would open your face Maybe to 1:00 and then close it with your forearms this way so now your path will be more this way and your face more this way so you kind of neutralize the shot that's all you're changing super super simple so let me show you how you add power to this in fact by already moving the position of that right arm you've already set yourself up to gain yardage almost instantly and the reason being look is this when your Trail arm is out here too much okay and your path the forearms ring left Target for right-handed golfers you are creating a swing that is going to be chopping downwards on that golf ball here when that happens this is what happens you create a movement that slices is but the problem is is now you're hitting after the golf ball this is a low Point number here low Point basically means that you're striking down on the golf ball you lose tremendous amount of power doing that once you get that trail arm in position that right arm in position this is what tends to happen so as soon as we've closed that face down and now look we square that face up by doing this my right arm moves here this is crucial why to hit more level or up on the golf ball which is where power really is where's your tram need to be underneath yeah if that Trine gets away I am now look in Cho territory there's your instant loss of power so this is going to help you hit the ball much much further so before we move on to the back swing let's just show you what without me hitting any harder Watch What Happens it's going to be a big movement right to left but look at this distance jumps up 40 yards now I exaggerated that which is why it's curved a lot but see the difference in distance now a recent student my mark did all of this he started to get a bit of a curve but he lost it quite quickly because he wasn't able to maintain this right arm all the way into his back swing and I see this a lot so this is the final piece of the jigsaw you've done all the hard work you shut that first down you're now in a draw place you're in a place but and I want to really exaggerate this to start with particular you slice it bear in mind look you can always reduce it so if you start at 10:00 and now you start to do what I've done which is overdraw it all you do is go okay let's move to 11:00 and do it maybe now you're at 12:00 and square now you're straight right but really exaggerate until you start curving it now with Mark he wasn't able to maintain this right arm in this place it started to pop out and if it pops out again you're gonna chop down all he was doing excuse little view he wasn't using his lower body correctly so so many people lack turn and this Blocks Your TR arm watch my pocket here as I'm moving back this Trail pocket is moving towards the target why this provides me Mobility this as this it provides me Mobility my right arm can steep keep working look beautifully and fall holding beautifully naturally on this back swing but watch this if I kind of do this and I block myself I can't get my right arm back I'm stuck now I'll complete my swing like this now I'm in real trouble I'm just going to chop straight down on that golf ball so all I got Mark to do was once he was set set up in this position I just got him to sense almost his Trail pocket moving towards the target I actually got him against the wall to start with and almost said to him look imagine this back side almost sliding along the wall here just a little bit rather than this way sliding this way simple as that now we started very small with it initially that's all I want you to do you get yourself set you move that in place starts with some small shots to start with here just really really smooth swings to learn the feel of it and then what you'll see look you'll start to hit much straighter shots because now suddenly rather than the face being massively open to the path you start to square it and you start to hit it further and further and have a look at this number here look my lower point now has gone from after the golf ball to behind the golf ball which means I'm hitting up on the ball which is where you get your power so it's incredibly simple if you slice it or hook it simply reverse the combination if you slice it your face is open to the path so we're going to close the face here so we end the path more uh face more left square up the shoulders hey prestor you hit it straight all right all right give that a go let me know in the comments uh section how you get on it is for me most of my students once they go through this process they hit it straight it almost instantly let me know how you get on if you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with a friend and if you're looking to see how this works with irons check this video out right here but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.