Always Start Your Golf Swing Like This

driver iron takeway irons Mar 12, 2024

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Full Transcript- so whether you're trying to improve your driver or your ions there is one thing that generally ruins more goling than any other I've seen and that is the first move away in your swing now I've done a few videos on this and still people are getting wrong so what I've done today is is I'm going to give you two brand new drills that I've I haven't actually released on the channel yet which are really helping my students to get this first move away correct every single time because what it does is if you can get to the top of your back swing in a great place I promise you it makes life so much easier to get back to the golf ball with power and with control time and time again if you get out of position early for instance in your swing you have to make so many conversations and you don't have enough time in a quarter a second in the down swing to sort it out so in this week's video I'm going to show you a couple of real simple things you can do to really nail this first move I promise you you'd be amazed at what it does to the quality of your your strike and your distance with every Club in the bag now before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel of your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing our release videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so before I show you the two drills which are going to really help you ball striking in your distance um let me show you what great players do and every player does this okay they have some things in common so as they set up to the golf ball here what do you notice I'm forming the letter Y between my lead arm and Trail arm and the golf club now what all great players do they like to make the golf swing simple so what they do is is they maintain this letter Y all the way into their takeaway all the way back to round about here and then as they start the hands start to get about chest tight there's almost like a kick like the letter wi there's a kick in the tail okay but one thing they never ever do look at my trail armor here there's a softness to it but they're not breaking the Integrity of this letter Y average players and if you are struggling with consistency if you put yourself on camera I promise you what you're going to see very quickly on is this elbow bending really really quickly you're going to lose the Integrity of this letter Y and now we're in real trouble from here you've what we call manipulated suddenly now we've got no space you're going to have to throw the wrists at the ball this is going to create a lot of kind of weak impact positions I want the to be simple for you so if you get yourself set up in the letter Y then we want to can of say maintain that letter Y for as long as possible and some of the best players as they're coming through they maintain this letter Y all the way even till after impact now it sounds simple but it's only simple if you have the right drill so let me show you the first drill and you're going to love it so drill number one is using a theran you don't need one of these but they're super cheap to buy and the whole purpose of these two drill drills I'm going to share with you uh to help you feel and maintain the Integrity of your letter Y as you swing through the swing you do that and I promise you you're naturally more consistent the problem is is sometimes hard to feel without exercises like this so you grab your th band you put it over the back of your neck and if I just in a sense here push my arms out can you see I'm stretching the band it gives me a feeling if I don't push out the band wants to force me this way so I'm pushing away I hold the club now and the idea is this I know that already there's some resistance he's wanting to pull me upwards so straight away I'm pushing away and that's the feeling I want from you as well you know we don't want the letter wi breaking like this okay so here I want to keep the Integrity of this letter white it's going to help you be super super consistent so all I do is I've got this feeling I'm going to push away and look at this as I'm pushing away naturally I'm maintaining the Integrity of this letter Y so I'm feeling that motion there and then what this allows you to do is from here all I do with my trail side now as I pushed away is I simply just rotate my trail side look beautifully back on the ball but if you have ended up breaking here I can't do that anymore I have to kind of I've Got No Room I've got to use my wrists or let's say for instance you spread your arms about to try and get to the top now the problem is if I were to rotate now I might come over the top whereas here look if I've maintained the Y all I've got to do now is simply rotate my right side beautifully look back onto the golf ball and through impact life becomes so much easier my God it's windy today okay so once you've got that feeling we throw this away you can enols it if you like but you don't need to just get the sensation here look with me trail side and pushing this Trail arm look away from the Target so I can simply rotate it back onto the target this is just simply drill number one and with my students I always start with what we call 9 to3 small swings first the reason being I'm going to show you in a second how to complete your swing if you go into a full swing here you will immediately cheat because it's too brand new yeah so nice and simple just move it away this is where you see the best players practicing this motion and then away we

go okay absolutely beautiful now what you do is you start with that first now just one thing to add before we move on to drill number two as I'm doing this I am almost sensing there's a push and a curve this Trail arm look is moving this way okay when I'm keeping it what feels like straighter I am not pushing it and letting it pop out it really feels like it's working on an AR and I'm pushing this way so that's the motion I'm creating this circle around here with my arm here so the elbow feels like it's working inwards as I'm pushing it away and you must start small with this small swings backwards and forwards just like this one so that you can simply turn back onto the golf ball just like that okay now drill number two okay so this is funny this one's a little bit bigger than it is right now but it seems to have shrunk um but it doesn't matter blow a balloon up to a quite St a small size put it in between your wrist you can do this at home now this is brilliant because when your wrists are together it forces your forearms to push against each other push inwards now what this does here is is you cannot if I spread my arms here that balloon's going to disappear so it immediately look forces you look to move the letter Y now what I find with some of my students who maybe lack a little bit of flexibility this is where they do come unstuck so what you've got to remember is is I want you to maintain the Integrity y of the letter Y as much as you can so when this is in between your arms like this if you find that you get to a position you go I can't move any further than that Danny right now you need to improve the efficiency of your body yeah because up to now you've been cheating to complete by bending that your arms and and what have you now you might need to maybe raise your left heel slightly off the ground maybe let your knee move in towards the golf ball maybe turn your hips a little bit more maybe from healer move your bum more towards a Target anything look to to help you continue to move so you can maintain the Integrity of your letter Y right makes sense if you don't move your body of course how do I complete I can't complete my swing what will happen here is you'll complete it with a bending of the arms absolutely love this now I don't hit golf balls necessarily uh with this initially although you can all I would do here is is get a feeling of this and through okay let's try let's try and hit a go ball so I'm here one here back through into impact so all I'm doing is maintaining this beautiful structure back here look and through you can see here that has just flown beautifully straight and it's unbelievably coordinated so I'm really in a sense creating a level of consistency that I just don't see amateur golfers doing okay so again look at this arms closed together maintain the Integrity of your wi I promise you you'll improve your ball striking now one final thing you got to remember you can maintain the Integrity of this letter Y but if your Club face isn't in a position you're going to struggle plus how do you the complete your swing so let me show you so you're now starting to maintain look the Integrity of your letter Y but as you see with any great player at the end here there's a kick isn't there there's a a movement at this golf club to take it to the top of your golf swing how do they do it effectively so they still maintain this beautiful consistency well what they do is is they use their wrists correctly and amateur don't and you might be the same so a recent student of M Nigel was looking after his why but unfortunately he was rolling his wrists in here now as he rolled his wrists in he's opening his Club face as soon as you've done that you're in big trouble you're going to have to swing in all different shapes and sizes to get back to the golf ball and that structure is lost so here's the simplest thing I know take your Trail arm we've been concent on the trail arm here you've moved it to he look and it's you've maintained you're not flexing it in now take your palm and just point the palm of the of the trail hand look away from the target okay away from the target this is important what this does here as you point the trail Arm Palm away from the target this is forcing look the club upwards as I'm doing this the pad look is going here and it's maintaining the structure unfortunately what happens here is is some people get this beautiful move away but now what they do is is they bend their arm here to complete complete their swing and what this does look is ruins the whole letter Y look at this no bend the wrists to create the length of your swing this way okay almost Palm to Sky would be a good one then all you do look you've got no rotation from here just simply just move and rotate the right side back down onto the golf ball here and through impact it becomes that simple so you've got now the letter Y the hands in place and all we're going to do is rotate that thing back onto that golf ball so it looks as simple as this so we get S set we rehearse the feeling here we're setting the palm and here we're turning that simply onto the

ball simple as that keep it that simple really work on in proving the Integrity of your letter Y and I promise you you will start to get create a very very consistent swing but do me a favor it is tricky it is tricky you're not going to get it straight away so be patient rehearse it like the best players do and it will gradually a bit by bit eek into your goal swing now look if you want to know what to do after this okay what do you do in terms of the follow for I.E how do you turn that trail side onto the golf ball check this video out right here if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button right here so you don't miss out on any future videos have a wonderful go.


Short Transcript- 

Whether you're looking to improve your driver or irons, there's a common factor that often disrupts golfers more than anything else, and that's the initial move away in your swing. Despite creating videos on this topic, I've noticed people still struggling with it. Today, I'm excited to share two new drills, not yet released on the channel, that have been immensely helpful for my students in getting the first move away right consistently.

The key is to reach the top of your backswing in a solid position, making it much easier to return to the golf ball with power and control. Early mistakes in the swing can lead to numerous complications, and in the fast-paced downswing, there's limited time to fix them. In this video, I'll demonstrate two simple drills to help you nail that crucial first move, significantly improving the quality of your strike and distance with every club in your bag.

But before we dive into the drills, let me share what great players have in common. They focus on forming the letter Y between their lead arm, trail arm, and the golf club during setup. This Y shape is maintained throughout the takeaway and backswing, with a slight kick as they start down. What they never do is lose the softness in the trail arm or break the integrity of the letter Y. Unfortunately, average players often struggle with this, and when you see it on camera, the elbow tends to bend quickly, leading to trouble.

Now, let's get into the first drill, which involves using a resistance band. While not essential, it's a helpful tool. Place the band over the back of your neck, push your arms out, creating resistance, and hold the club. The goal is to push away, maintaining the integrity of the letter Y. This feeling will help you in the swing, and as you push away, rotate your trail side to get back to the ball effortlessly.

After mastering the first drill, move on to the second one, using a balloon between your wrists. This forces your forearms to push against each other, ensuring the maintenance of the letter Y. If you find limitations in your movement, work on improving your body's efficiency to continue the motion.

Remember, it might be challenging initially, so start with small swings before progressing to full swings. Sensitize yourself to the push and curve motion of the trail arm, maintaining the straight feeling as much as possible.

Lastly, ensure your clubface is in the right position. Use your trail arm to point the palm away from the target, forcing the club upwards. Avoid bending the arm to complete the swing; instead, rely on wrist movement for a coordinated and consistent swing.

Incorporate these drills patiently, and you'll gradually see improvements in your golf swing. For further guidance on the follow-through and turning the trail side onto the golf ball, check out the recommended video. If you found this helpful, give it a thumbs up, share it with friends, and don't forget to subscribe for more golf improvement videos. Wishing you a wonderful golfing experience!