Nov 05, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week i want to focus on senior golfers i coach quite a few senior golfers and most of them come to me because they've lost a lot of yardage in their game and they didn't need to lose as much as i'm seeing so what you'll have to find is that as we get older we're all going to lose some yardage but i personally find that a lot of the the people are coming to a lot of golfers that are coming to me are losing far more than they actually need to and in this week's training i'm going to i want to share with you some success stories of some of my clients who have managed to really increase their power um and give you some exercise on how we've done that or but the other thing i want to do is as well as show you what is power how do we actually create it in the first place so let's get started what is power power in order to get power you're going to need to have energy stored at the top of the backswing in order to release it down right that's the first thing then once you've stored the energy you need to then deliver it correctly into the back of the golf ball with the correct sequence so if you've watched any of my other trainings this is how we generally do it so we store energy at the top by making a good full shoulder turn and then we get the right correct sequence of the way down by starting initially with the lower section followed by the torso followed by the arms followed by the club head question is as a senior golfer who has back problems hip problems knee problems how do you do all that because you may be finding that i can complete my swing i can't make a full shoulder turn and you know how do i make this correct sequence through the bubble we're going to show you that right now when i teach senior golfers they are often they maybe watch youtube channels uh like myself and and uh they'll often see good players on top keep where and they're keeping their feet very still so what they're doing you see the top players on tour they make a big shoulder turn here and the legs are very much rooted to the ground well that's wonderful if you've got the flexibility to rotate and hold resistance in in your hips here that's a great way of generating power for the big boys the problem is as a senior golfer if you can if you've got lack of flexibility or back problems then you can do that right you can't hold this still and make a turn so therefore you can't store energy you can't get to the top of the backswing so we need to help you get to the top of that backswing so we can store some energy how are we going to do that well with the recent client of mine who was suffering from exactly that he was really struggling to complete his swing what we did was we got him into a little dance right and it's almost like a little two step down so what i did was i said look just start to move your feet or your sorry your heels here just start to get your left heel moving up and then your right heel moving up so you're literally just kind of moving backwards and forwards right now as you're doing this i want you to imagine i said just start to get a little turn going on as you're doing this you're moving backwards and forwards right so both heels now are coming up almost in immersion now what's happening if this left heel is coming up what does it do to my left hip it moves it what's it gonna then it creates more in a sense space more flexibility it's allowing more this hip to be more mobile if this is more mobile this is more mobile so now watch now suddenly look we can comfortably get to the top of the backswing backwards and forwards right so now we were able to store a lot more energy in the backswing now it has its downsides there's a lot more movement but what we found is is it has a couple of effects not only does it help to store energy now by helping you to complete the other thing it does look is watch because the foot's up the foot can come down and what does it do it also helps you to get the correct sequence because of most of the guys who are losing power they get to the top of the backswing and they hit here with a top part of their body as opposed to starting with the lower part so the sequence is out this motion here is wonderful because as you're starting to pivot now we can then come back down with the heel first and then naturally flow through so immediately we've now created a nice rhythm now that's how i would start it so if you're struggling to get the the turn going the first thing i would do is just start by practicing this really really simply just get the heels initially just going backwards and forward just lifting up so you feel like you're going to your right to your left and it's a mini rotation i'm not going as you can see side to side i'm simply lifting my heel up on the way back lifting my heel up on the way through and you start very small and then bit by bit you can then start look to add this momentum and you can see hopefully now we're starting to get more mobile in the hips what do you see now in the transition the transition's easier because it gets more natural it's right to left right to left compared to a static stance can often for a lot of people struggle with flexibility they often start to do this hit hit still very static right so that's the first thing i want you to do if you're a senior golfer is start to add some mobility in this motion the next thing i want you to do is this how many of you are trying to keep your head still during this swing so many golfers i see doing this right they're stood over the golf ball here and they are like this and their head's not moving right and it the problem is this check out the guys on tour even the most flexible guys on top they move their heads right their eyes on the ball yes but they move their heads you need and if you're a senior golfer you are going to struggle with neck flexibility right so you're going to now you're going to have to allow your head to move slightly right so now as we move this here don't be afraid of moving your head just a little bit now if you're wearing glasses just you you might find that your you know your head's focused too much down here just allow it just to tilt so you're looking in the corner of your glasses here so as we're moving you're going to allow your head to move a little bit here and then back again and notice what i'm doing on the way through i'm also allowing my head to flow through if i don't let my head flow through i have no flexibility i cannot move my torso look if my head's there i can't get a full turn i can't store the energy look at this if i allow my head to move i can now store some energy i can get some power so that's the second thing allow the head to have some freedom right you don't have to take your eyes off the ball that's not what i'm saying but allow the head to move a fraction so that you can get that shoulder turn back and then just as importantly when you're coming through don't get it stuck here because again you can't release your body and therefore you can't release the power if your head's rooted to the deck so allow that then to flow through into a follow-through that's the second thing let's wait for the third so the third and final thing is you need to learn to coordinate all this motion so if you are moving your lower body nice and freely now you're going to help to store some energy if you're allowing your head to move a little bit you're going to help to kind of create that lovely silky flowing swing but you're still going to need to coordinate your arms and your body now if your arms go and you've turned you're going to be right round here so you're so completely the wrong place so we need something that's going to help you coordinate all this motion and i learned something from a fellow professional of mine and it's a real simple exercise and i thought i'd share it with you so basically if you grab a golf club put the club out in front of you here so it's in front of your chest with your arms comfortably resting on your side and what we're going to do we're going to make some swings based on what we've just been working on now i don't want you to move the swing back by getting your arms separated like this across the body what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep the arms out in front of you and what you're going to try and do here is this i want you to start to let those heels move and i want you to start to pivot now around the body now notice this i'm keeping the shaft and this club in front of me i'm not allowing it to move too much i'm just this is me help learning the coordination of arms and body together as opposed to separating them all the time so simple exercise let's work on this so heel up heel up look at my head naturally flowing through to the target here and as i'm doing this watch this
now you can see hopefully the coordination coming in i'm going to show you what the coordination doesn't look like you might start seeing this
that's the arms in a sense now doing too much keeping the arms coordinated look with the chest as i'm allowing that freedom to move okay so let's have a look at this actually in the in the real swing so as we swing back and through i'm going to pivot now back
and through super simple right so it is an exercise for senior golfers those who are really struggling to get some flexibility look if you don't stop for flexibility you don't need to do this but i've just found for those who have got real tightness in their back and they're really struggling to load and get some store some energy it really really helps so let's just summarize summarize briefly what we're doing we want to store some energy in the top of the backswing we want to get the right sequence on the way down how have we done it we started off get those heels off the ground get some mobility in both of those hips you need to get mobility so that you can turn that torso if this hips rock solid how do you move this you can without flexibility right so get some mobility in the hips so you can store some energy start to practice that as your very first thing and hit balls doing that the second uh thing we did after that is we said look don't be in an essence try and keep your head down all the time none of us have the flexibility to turn and keep our head still so if you struggle with flexibility at all it's crazy right so allow your head to move slightly yes look at the golf ball but allow your head gently to move backwards and forwards as you're going doing it right then we need to learn to coordinate all that how do we done that well take the exercise from a fellow professional of mine get it in here put the club in front of you we don't want this this will be uncoordinated the arms are moving separate from the body just very gently start to move this together backwards and forwards and allow everything to flow through heads looking at the target backwards and forwards you could do that comfortably at home when you've done that a few times then start to imagine the goal swing right left right left keep it nice and smooth nice and relaxed and start to add some flow and you will start to find that you'll have more mobility more solid energy and the great thing about this you start to get a very natural sequence going on right just as if you were throwing a ball it really really works so look this isn't this isn't for everybody this is for senior golfers like for those of you who can make a sufficient turn look you don't need to worry about this but i know there's plenty of senior golfers out there and you may be one where you are struggling with flexibility you are a bit tight in the backs maybe you've got some hip problems this will really really help and if you know anybody else any other senior that you think could benefit from this please share it you know it would really really help them and if you've got any questions at all don't forget to put them either in the comments box below or head on over to my uh channels on twitter facebook and instagram and of course if you're enjoying the content and you want to receive it in your inbox every week don't forget to press the subscribe button and the bell but until next week have a great golfing week