Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I want to teach you how to create some easy effortless power into game I've given many drills on this particular subject but this drill is one of my favorites it's basically one of those drills that anybody can do so whether you're a standard golfer you know age twenty thirty or your senior golfer this type of exercise here will have you creating much more fluidity in the golf swing to generate more snap and more speed you've probably seen the guys and with it's out on tour at your local golf club and they've got these kind of easy looking golf swings that yet they seem to hit it a mile and a clearly their ball striking is very good as well and and yeah you then got the guys and maybe you're one of them where you seem on the driving range and they're going hell-for-leather at this golf ball they're not striking it and they're certainly not generating the club head speed that this should be when this week's training we're going to cover one simple little drill you can do to try and create this very natural fluid swing that creates a lot of power for you so before we do of course if you are new to the channel and this is one of your first videos please consider subscribing I released content like this every week to try and help you improve your game so what have we got for you this week this is I got to collect the Elvis move right so one of the biggest problems with a game of golf is its static the ball lies on the ground and we're expected to move that ball the decent distance from a static stance so what it encourages a lot of golfers to do is this they're rooted to the deck with their feet and they start to smash it really hard with pretty much just the top part of their body when your air may be playing tennis throwing balls whatever there's a lot more of the lower section working in the gold or the golf swing the legs lead the toss or follows and then there's a snap at the end now most people can do this they don't need training in now to do this it's an actual very natural process so if you can all do that if you can all roughly throw a ball or patter tennis ball you don't have to be perfect you'll generally have the right sequence to create an effortless swing in golf the problem is there's a nature of a sport stops you from doing it with the Elvis move we're gonna get your swinging far more effortlessly and far more fluidly through the swing so let's have a look at this so the Elvis move is simply this we've got to get those legs working far more efficient you've got to get them more dynamic so we're going to basically start to get these moving like this so what we're doing is the drill works like this we know that one of the key factors in in it and when you get here is you've got to get the leg start in the downswing followed by the snap so you get this kind of lower section driving first and then finally the snap and the club comes in and you get it's lovely effortless speed but it's very difficult for golfers to emulate they try this they often understand this but they struggle to do it this move will really help you feel what we need to do so the first thing I want to do is just have a look at my legs the Elvis move we're kind of dancing like this right so there's a general twist in words here and then we slam the left foot down on the leaf foot down and then we come through this way so it's slam right slam left slam right slum left backwards and forwards have a look at this move from the stats what we do is you might want to get the right foot up here in a position here and then what we're going to do we're going to slum the right down left comes up slam it down again so we're kind of getting this natural Martian once you get those legs feet work and are slowing down it automatically creates the type of movement you would be doing if you're patting a tennis ball you're throwing a ball because that is the very first thing you do when you do all those things you slam your lead foot down let's have a look at this drill in action so we're going to get so we're going to start here we're going to twist forward the right foots off the ground here we're going to slam it down and then we're slung the left foot down and we're going to create that speed the key we go swings and improving your golf swings is to try to keep them as natural as possible and also realize that look you have a lot of these natural capabilities already built in when you start to make it complicated sometimes by trying to all down I'll do all those things they're fine in their own right but I think sometimes a lot of people are making this game a little bit more too complicated and I think one of the key factors is is if we could already use something that you already do like throwing a ball or moving this way and getting in you've already got the basic the right sequence going on we want to apply that to the game so let's have another look at this and then I'll show it from the reverse angle so from here you've got the sensation of it's a left the lead heel up here as you move here and then what you're doing you're slumming that heel down and then the right one comes up here creating look at this snap snap snap snap if you struggle with ball contact because you're hitting the ground behind the golf ball no it's just as well as you're doing here you're naturally transferring your weight and you're snapping the ball it increases the likelihood to create lag because you're snapping and you're getting that compression let's have a look at it one more time so I like to start the drill here so you're sitting up here right here or put trail heel off the ground in position slam that down slam it down and then slam that one down let's have a look at this again adjusting action so start here
so let's have a look a little bit down the line we're getting ourselves set up here what are we really trying to do we're trying to get this natural flowing Martian through the golfing is very difficult sometimes as a golfer because we're taught to stay still etc and I'll let me get planted we've got to get what I like to call the Elvis legs working get those legs working here up down up down get that sensation of movement why this also good for senior golfers well if you're struggling with flexibility here that lead heel coming up helps you to get more turn and complete your back so it's a great for storing energy coming back into the golf ball let's have another look at this so the drills going to start here we're gonna slam that foot down here back and then what we're gonna do we're going to slam the lead foot down coming through to try and create this natural Marcia so we're gonna start here slam it and then just slam it down again lovely and it just creates the natural flow now yes some of you'll be saying I don't want to lift both heels off the ground when I'm playing golf because some of the top players don't do that but the reality is this you don't have to do this on a golf course necessarily although for a lot of you I recommend it but if you string with some other flexibility but it's just a wonderful drill to really experience what it is like to really get those legs naturally working so you can create this easy effortless golf swing now the best players in the world some of them a bit more subtle than this you don't realize it but they'll feel it really out coming off the ground but they have putting pressure into the ground using those three the problem is at this stage if you're struggling with getting easy power that's probably too subtle you could get yourself using the Elvis legs to start off with make it exaggerated get the sensation of this lovely flow and then when you're in your own time soften it down maybe it just comes up a little bit but you still feel the pressure going into the fie then eventually don't do it at all swing it back push those pressure down I know where you go it's entirely up to you but the Elvis legs they really work to create a very very natural swing so just a couple of things to watch out for in summary we've got to get you if you want to create easy power you need to create the right sequence the lower section needs to start and create this snap you need to remember that as a human being you already do a lot of these things very naturally if I ask you to throw a ball most people can get the right sequence and their [ __ ] get the right snap same as you're playing tennis or any form of movement going this way the question is is why do we have to make it really complicated we really done so you already exists inside you the key is is the nature of a sport sometimes prevents us from creating this flowing Martian this drill here we're basically here it's not this by the way it's a pivot a pivot to your your trail side here you slump that lead foot down and then the trail foot comes up here so it's more like this and you're really getting that sense of slumming down and then go through so that creates the whip and the strike and it's a wonderful way of naturally transferring your weight through to your target so one more to finish or get yourself set let's finish off with a drill we've put the club in position here we've slammed that trail foot down and then we slam the lead foot down to create that speed so push it forward slam trail slam lead is such a nice striking brilliant look I hope you really enjoyed this video I love this drill it's so natural it keeps it really flowing if you think some of your friends could benefit from an extra few yards but more importantly effortless yards please share it of course enjoy the video you want to see more please subscribe to channel but until next week have a great golfing week