FEEL HOW TO HIT YOUR DRIVER AND IRONS STRAIGHT - The effortless way to learn the golf swing
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I had John come and see me a 21 handicap golfer that was striking the ground behind the golf ball with his irons and he was slicing his driver now in less than 45 minutes he we've got him striking his irons so much better we eliminated it straight slicing completely and not only did he do that he was able to draw the ball and hit the ball so much further and we did it in a way in his own words was so so simple now it was so simple I really wasn't gonna share this with you because I thought what we did was very basic very simple very natural will people actually go ahead and go and do it and and and learn it because it is so simple well they believed it but I thought sorry I think this could really really help many many many golfers it's one of my favorite things to do at work with people it's the fastest way of getting progress and we'll share it with you so before I do that if you're new to the channel and it's only your first videos online please consider subscribing press a little Bell button next to subscribe button you get notified every time we release a new video just like this one alternatively head over head on over to Danny more calm subscribe to my free weekly newsletter and you get notified there too with some free videos so what do we do with John Wall John is striking his irons poorly why because he's got so much stuff going on in his head he's overthinking it he's very static over the golf ball and the club's attacking behind the girl hitting the ground behind the golf ball with his driver the clubface is wide open he slices across the golf ball and that's producing all this spin that's going out to the right so I said let the very first innisfree things that we did the very first thing he needed to do was he needed to somehow completely didn't get more natural flow and rhythm to his golf swing in an easy way now he had been stood over the golf ball with 101 thoughts so I gave him one simple exercise I said John I'm gonna throw a ball to you right now watch this now do I have to stand over my arm I think about how I'm gonna move my arm back and through No so what's creating this I said you are where you are right now I'm throwing the ball to you you are informing what tell them I am naturally what to do is it going to swing over here of course not around here no it's swinging to you so the target needs to lead the swing is stage number one where as most people do the opposite they stand over a golf ball they're trying to tell themselves what to do rather than start with the most basic action which I think will create 80% of your golf swing which is pick a target out in front of you and just start to swing towards it so let's have a look only to imagine here for a second so we've got a yellow ball in front of us there if this was a bucket of water and I was gonna toss that water water over that ball there just like this would I do this of course not I just wouldn't do it would you yeah would I go like this no I hope in naturally throwing it and as I'm doing this what happens to my action I'm literally now look I'm swinging in this direction so that was the first thing that started to simply get the natural motion of going through so that was stage number one have a target in mind that is drawing out your entire golf and that will give you a basic action and for most people a nice flowing action but the one thing that he also needed was this he needed to take control over this club head because he was clearly it was wide open you need to kind of take control it so you could square it more often so whether you slice the ball or hook the ball you need to learn how to square this to learn how to square it you need to learn how to feel the club head so I said to him look if you want to learn how to kind of feel that quad very squaring up you need to basically do a little exercise it's called it eliminate distraction exercise so a friend of mine Rick surgeon goes into his first operation and he's cuts this patient open and he's like really nervous loads of distractions panicking away and he can't feel what he's looking for these mentors watching it I said Ricky Lee Toland feel it I said I can't feel it because he's panicking he's nervous he's thinking a lot of stuff so Rick instinctively turns away from the patient and what do you think happens by turning away he allows his hands to experience what's going on he's eliminated dose distraction and is allowed to put all the sensories feel into his hands he's and then he found what I was looking for so for you to be able to kind of now you've got the basic motion of like imagine tossing some water over your target then what we're going to do that gives you the basic body Martian now we've got to take control of the clubface you need to learn to feel it so we're going to look away from the ball and I ask John to experience can you feel the toe of the club turning over now why would I ask him to turn the face get the toe of the club turning over he's a slicer his face is wide open he needs to learn to feel the clubface doing this he's not used to doing this so I need to help him to feel this as he's doing it it's moving we're closer to square ie straight okay so we learning so he's looking away and I said no just keep trying to feel it so off we went with dad hence new shots now watch it's a golf while I said just if you feel a toe turning over now do you think he eliminated slice straightaway no but what he did is is his face was like that and now he turned a little bit to this he now closed a little bit still was open but it closed a little bit so we made some progress so I said look that's because you still haven't quite got the feel yet I can do because I've got more feel than you but I said just keep going see if you can feel that clubface closing now the great thing about this is at no stage am I trying not to trying to stop him slicing I'm trying to encourage something actually positive an actual draw so he keeps going eliminating those distractions learn to feel a few practice swings before and then away he goes now I think they're doing this he started to enjoy it but he started to get to the golf ball and hit the golf ball without the few practice swings so he started to overthink it a little bit so so no no keep reminding the body what it needs to do so hover the club a little bit look away from the ball and just see if you can feel the clubface on the toe the club just closing down and bit by bit he did this and bit by bit what happened the face started to get too square now do you think you turn into a drone uh but do you know the slice now then the slice was a straight shot and I said to him you haven't won the game yet this is a game we're playing here I want you to just get the ball drawing so you haven't finished I know you hit some nice shots now now you're striking it because not only was he playing the game now he's now flowing through the ball and he's hitting straight shots he's kind of happy I said I'm not you got to learn how to kind of create this movement because that proves to me you can really feel what you're doing so I said keep going so he keeps going and before you know it he's playing he's beautiful draw shots he was so exciting for him and and from he suited watches wonder point because he'd suddenly got this lovely flowing motion and he was taking control over this club head I think we're simple as that and you know what we're driver we did exactly the same thing we've got to imagine and getting a basket here and with Drive do you want to kind of almost hit it a bit highest I said just imagine tossing the water might be a tall person in front of you toss the water over that someone is six foot four all right that's the that's the body action then just feel the club toe the club just turning over here that's going to get that reduce your slice is going to get you feel at you're kind of closing that face and what do you know it's he said Danny halfway through this he says Danny I'm not thinking about my downswing I'm not thinking of this I'm not thinking of that and you know what I just I've never got over the golf ball he said Danny I'm music thinking about my setup here I'm thinking of this I said getting to the golf ball now and just seemed to be just playing and I said do you know what that's what kids do isn't it they get over the golf ball they just play they haven't got a million and one things I'm gonna hit a bad shot they just play you need to this is a game it's a sport it's fun and the more fun you create the more natural it becomes the more feel you generate so that moves on to the final stage and final step number three you have to build a system that helps you eliminate those distractions and one of the things that we simply introduced to John was pace the quicker he played the less II thought the more he was able to feel so we staged one was we picked a target I said to him from now on you to imagine the ball curving right to left you know you won't be able time curve it right to left before he'd always been trying to avoid it slice by aiming left and we're not gonna do that anymore we're going to imagine the curve then do a few swings get the feel of tossing that wall and then just feel the toe of the club turning over the actually Paxman get yourself in don't waste too much time and away you go and there's that ball moving right to left in the air and it was as simple as that it's a three step Roger I thought it was gonna be simple it was just a three step process your body is informed by your target let the target draw out your swing just like I'm throwing a ball to you there then enhance that by improving the feel of the clubface by eliminating those distractions how do you eliminate distractions you eliminate and we're having routines systems that you do over and over again so you're not other complicating you're thinking about the out of bounds or the your people watching etc etc that's the practice it's fun be a child again enjoy the game be adventurous alright I hope you enjoyed the training if you do give it a thumbs up share with as many people as you can possibly can it will really really help and of course if you need to turn on press that subscribe button or head over to Danny more calm and subscribe over there completely free but until next week have a wonderful week