backswing downswing hit better irons shots iron tips Nov 05, 2021

 Full Transcript 

hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week have something really easy to work on that will have you hittin your irons and your woods far more consistently I had one of my lessons Dave came over he's not been playing the game that long but he came over and he'd just been away on a golf trip with some friends and he was striking his irons so inconsistently compared to his playing partners he was getting a little bit frustrated so he booked him for a session and what we did was probably one of the easiest things I've ever done really with a lesson here to make such a dramatic improvement to his striking and he's in the distance of his shot so I'm gonna share with you exactly what we did and how we did it in this week's training before we do if you're new to the channel and you've seen me for the first time consider subscribing every single week we release tips and drills to hopefully make this game a lot easier to learn so let's get started so what did Dave had well like a lot of golfers he swing took on various different shapes so what would tend to happen we David was his club would come up very steep were here so the shop would be very vertically come up like this he would chop down there'd be no rotation at all in his in his hips or his body and he basically just shot at the golf ball right now you might be looking at thinking that looks a little bit strange you know I would do that but you'd be surprised so many golfers out there do have these you know weird and wonderful golf swings that can work some of the time right because through hundun I coordinator you can kind of make it work but dave was doing that he would it could hear ball quite comfortably sometimes with a 7-iron 150 yards but then follow it with like a 10-yard shot right in front of his notes or or in hi keep where left and then every so often there'll be a good one again but he didn't have that level of consistency that we're all striving for and what we needed to do was change something fundamental about his golf swing so let's go through that guess what was Dave doing he was basically literally lifting the club up into position bringing it back down and then hitting it purely with his hands and abs and there's nothing going on with his body right so we knew we needed we looked it on camera we're on the driving range at the time we looked on camera but we said look we need to improve the quality of the way your body moves right through impact it was an obvious thing right it looked pretty unattractive when your button for greed that and he said God doesn't look great is it so I said no that's okay we can work with this and what I needed to do with him was to give him a little bit of concept so what I've laid out here right is I've got a couple alignment rods and if you have a look at this here they're pretty much set to the angle of this shaft right so what this we're going to call it this is basically what I wanted to work on him is the actual arc of the swing and what we're supposed to be doing with the Gosling when we swing backwards and forwards right we want to roughly try and keep the plane or the arc in line we're gonna call us this is a swing planing golf right it's in it's matching this shaft here on the way back and on the way down it's matching the shaft and on the way through look it's also much matching the shaft here so if you can see here look you've got the shaft there and the club nose exiting and it's matching that there when de was swinging the club wasn't matching it was coming up here on this way and then on the way through it would also come up very much straight so and he was almost trying to hit the ball straight down the middle and he was pushing it straight and the chef is going very vertical here so what we did is we knew we needed to change this right now you can't do this just simply by hitting golf balls so what we did we rushed on the driving range at the time we didn't have rods but what we did was have a mirror right so you might not have rods either but you may have other things that you just put this puzzle so we had a mirror but for the purpose this video I'm gonna put some lineman rods in so what I did was game with his right hand just put its right hand at this position here what I wanted to do is now is this okay I want him to imagine right his left hand stays where it is for now okay and we're gonna move the right hand we're gonna try and get it at the line in line with the shaft here okay the alignment rod on the ground I'm gonna practice swinging backwards and forwards on this line now he would normally have done this and that's what he felt like he needed to do but suddenly he's armed as he were describing was going into a different position and you may find this when you put your rods in right something as simple as this year that hand is definitely in a very different position - it was before maybe you were felt as though this is the right position right maybe that was the right position for you but for Dave this was now feeling very different he's coming through impact and they're not with the right hand we then work on working through this way now on this all I mean now this was interesting because once we've got this feeling here of coming back into impact he then wanted to do this even without a golf club because that was normal for him right so suddenly what we did was ok no problem Dave take your time we're going to go to him we're going to stop now from this position where I want to now move the right hand this way and immediately his legs and hips were turning naturally he didn't have to tell them to turn because now because the intention was to go around here his hips plainly created room for him to turn and go around the corner really simple so after we did that once or twice again we didn't rush into any golf balls yet and he was looking at a mirror as he's doing this so we then just said I could take the club now on your right hand and what we're gonna do now is we're gonna start to do the same thing we're gonna start to swing the club right and I just want you to set the club here look online so for those of you who get too far around here you'll be able to see that straightaway for those you pick it up straight straight straight like that you'll be a see straight away so we just simply just moved it backwards and forwards it started to help him train first of all the up-and-down motion of the arc right once we've done once it wants to one two of these within said like let's move now from this position and start to work it up this way back here we might stop him and then we'll work it back this way notice how we're doing this slowly stuff we're not rushing through this I actually did it in one position then two positions right just get in him to feel it then the second hand comes in right and this is all in our lesson this is a practice session right for you potentially we enter two hands to do the same thing swing it back here work about just set it into that position work it back down and I'd actually get him to stop now so we want to make sure the conference is square at impact okay and then from here release it back around and this was an interesting one this he found difficult literally you it's always pushing it straight in an attempt to hit the ball straight this was a different movement for him so you'd turn it round and then I get to check it so we'd repeat that process quite a few times to educate the body then what we'd actually do I'm not gonna do it here but what we actually do is we actually got into T a ball up we weren't interested in striking initially we just had looked I'm going to put a ball there now purely as a distraction right so and I want you now to make a golf swing not worry about any powerful swings at this stage and all I want you to do is take your time make a swing backwards and forwards don't care where the balls going at all this stage all you're gonna do is make a swing backwards and forwards just taking your time here up back down and through and it between each shot just do one or two rehearsals changing the shape of this swing backwards and forwards okay in between this right I'd say look do it wrong as well right make sure when you're making the movement do what you normally did do go up and then do this and see what that feels like is also you've always got contrast so you can feel what you're doing wrong and then feel what you're doing right backwards and forwards into the impact and around okay like this one more time and then we start to gradually speed it up a little bit to get more confident with it working it back around here and hey presto suddenly now we started to get the shape that we wanted answer his confidence increased so look I promise you it was going to be an easy one this week right it really really is this is what we did in summary Dave came to me his swing was all over the place his body wasn't rotating correctly in any shape or form his hips didn't turns her impact his swing was up and down he consistency if contact was all over the place he didn't hit it anywhere at all by the end of the session I can guarantee he was hitting it 20 ads plus further with Zions and the consistency of direction was well it was unrecognizable right and what we did was very simple we didn't have a lime Arad so you don't have to have them we base it to look the plane or the arc of the swing needs to match the angle of your shaft so when you in this position here sometimes you don't you don't have so need a golf club put your arm down practice working up and down so for those of you over the toppers which are doing this or round here this is again is a wonderful exercise put your arm up work it back up work it back down and then around here I divided it into three sections I said look it's like learning a language right you don't learn a sentence straight away you learn individual words so I said look we're going to learn three words we're going to go back here one to impact two through three right so you just work on those three things together check it one - am i square three as you're back on line here fantastic now take the golf club in your hand same thing right hand down the grip make sure the clubface is square one is it online just double-check right one two is back to square yes three I'm my online here yes fantastic would you've done done that bring the second hand him same thing one two three now when you've learned a work that will individual words in language what you do you try to join them together right and it might be a bit clumsy to start off with right you it might seem a little bit wooden well that's absolutely fine it's normal right takes a bit of time and practice so then you try and join the dots together and join the numbers together so it's like one two three yeah one two three you chain training the shape once you've done that take a ball maybe pick it on a tee so you don't worry about striking you so much and off you go again right so backwards and forwards one two three okay so that is it really really easy one for David this week giving him really great results I hope you enjoyed this if you think if you've got some friends maybe a beginner golfer could benefit from something like this right but if you've got some friends who could benefit from some of this training please share it it really really helps and of course look if you're enjoying the content you want to see it in your inbox every single week please subscribe to the channel and press the bell but until next week have a great golfing week