golf swing iron swing iron tips Nov 05, 2021

 Full Transcript  

hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I want to start by asking you a very quick question have you found that sometimes this game can seem pretty complex you're on the golf course and you're hitting it left are you hitting it right and you don't really know why or maybe you do know why but whatever reason you just can't kind of solve the problem maybe you are trying to get more distance and you've tried so many different things and they're still not able to get those extra yards this is so common as you can imagine with so many of my clients and what I want to do with you this week is I want to take you back to basics I want to cover three things that I find when I worked with these with my clients and I've done these three things they make the biggest difference to a golfers strike and distance and therefore accuracy then put me anything I actually do and I want to share with you each one of them in turn so the first thing I want you to do is I want you need to have balance in the golf swing right and balance comes from a fantastic setup so many people when they start playing golf or when they're playing off even in playing golf a long time they just don't get into a balanced position the step so one of the things that I want you to do is I want you to understand that if you when you're when you're setting up here you need to get into a very balanced position so so many clients I find this either you've got too much knee flex here their weights on the heels but what we want to have if you want to have the balance right from the stats or work the way you would do this is get a golf club I've got a long pole here get a golf club put it up under your glutes here and this locates your ball socket joint of your hip from this position we're going to tip forward from the waist here almost did you see how I'm pulling my hamstrings up a little bit here and laughs I keep tipping forward my heels are going to come up at this date I'm going to push my knees down into my laces I'm going to nestle down now very firmly into the ground into the balls of my feet now you'll notice here I haven't done this I haven't stuck my bummer that's not what we need we want a nice balance position right a good checkpoint here is if we put a line down from our armpit here it should be just crossing the tip of the knee here and going down into the balls of the feet what we don't want it here is is sat back here where the armpit here is back see that a lot you're off balance in that situation right so the first thing I want to do is start to get into a balanced position at the start right if you get into a balanced position and hold the ground with your feet that's very very key you're going to be able to use that throughout the entire golf swing if you start off balance you're gonna really really struggle to control the swing generate any power at all and you'll lose so much accuracy all right so that's the first thing I'm going to do learn to get into a very balanced position very easy right the second thing I find is if people got to learn how to use their body correctly in the golf swing that people just don't do it so I've got this great drill that I learned from a colleague of mine Steven Dean brilliant brilliant exercise which is it really kind of helps you to understand how the body works correctly in the swing so what I'm going to do is I've got a long pole here but if you just grab and go to a hardware store and grab an old broom handle will be absolutely fine needs to be fairly long right and what I want you to do is I want to put your left hand or your lead hand here on top and your back hand underneath here right and what we're gonna do here is if you're taking your posture now right and what we're going to do is we're going to start to make a swing as we push down with the left okay the right elbow here folds and we've made the back swing here right notice at this stage I'm not moving I'm not turning like this I'm not in a sense dipping what I'm doing here is I'm moving the club back in a position notice how my body works here back here now this is key on the way down what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have come down and this is where this exercise works very very well I'm gonna now release the golf club here now look at this as I release the club what automatically happens to my body you will learn the correct the body reacts to this motion and naturally opens up we are not trying to open our body up artificially the body opens up as a byproduct of us releasing the goal Club here right very very important so as I knew the club back into position here and I come down I'm now going to release the club what I see so often with people is this when they do this exercise right they often do this the turn try to turn their bodies out of the way right but that's not how it works what we want to do is we want our bodies to turn as a byproduct of them reacting to the club coming down here so watch this as I release this and I brush the ground here my body now is automatically reacting right now not is this is a good exercise so a good another good image for this is how it's mowing my lawn the other day right and I've got a petrol lawnmower and a great image of how the body works is I was pulling the choke in the lawnmower right and watch this as I pulled the choke look what happens to my body here it opens up that action here is basically that basically the turn and the same thing on the way through look at this that's how the body works if you understand this it will really help you stay center for those of you sway around too much because you're moving your body right and moving your body left it's often a misinterpretation of how you should turn the body turns and it also tilts right some people assume a turn is this it's not right the body turns and tilts look at this I'm opening up opening up the body here and opening up the body there let me show you from this angle here so look at this as a turn back the body opens here it comes back and then look as I release the club now here notice how the body naturally really reacts get yourself a long broom handle works fantastically well so let me show you from this angle here so as I turn back here and I come down watch this bang I'm releasing the club my body is naturally opening up and reacting wonderful way to feel what's going on I'll come back to that in a second finally the third thing that I want you to do and I want to learn you still use the weight and gravity of the golf club so so important so once you've got your balance in position you've taken your posture you've now got a feeling for instance of what's what goes on here now what you want to do is take a golf club and start to use the gravity of this great big chunky weight of iron here and start to sling that iron up here right if the club's high we've got gravity in the golf club from this position what I want you to do is you've got the feeling of this now start to let the weight of the club fall now down just you're doing that the the polar fall into position here and look at the body now from this position reacts there so many people are hanging on to the golf club so tightly that they get to this position here the club is not allowed to drop and they are turning their bodies out of the way causing Shanks pulls slices you name it but huge loss of power right and it's often because this game is quite counterintuitive sometimes right so many times when we're playing we feel like we want to hit you straight but as we're doing we're trying to control the clubs too much let the club go let the weight work for you right so we're going to sling the club up into the sky here and as we come back down we're going to allow the club now to fall here and our bodies react let's show you this in action

there we go let's have a look at this from there so again look at this here I'm winding the club back I'm finding my balance point I'm not sat back here if I sat back on my heels I go around you'd be surprised how many people do this I'm on my toes here I'm really balanced very important step number one step number two right we're gonna wind it back properly we're gonna push down with our left let the right elbow fold into position here and as they come down watch this now I'm coming down here and then watch I'm allowing the club to drop and drop and look at my book my body automatically releases through that shot this is what I want to practice get that sensation with a pole a few times then grab a ball and then bit by bit you might even want to do a small one so let me do a smaller shot here to try and feel that position there

and through nice straight iron shot I'm throwing the club down I'm allowing my body to react through the shot so let's summarize what three things keeping this simple what three things could you work on that could for me make the biggest difference balance you have to have balance through the swing and balance for me starts with a very very good setup go through the procedure here you know when you're falling forward don't stick your bum out after often people being taught to do that tip forward from the hip bone here right once you're there fantastic once you've tips forward now you're ready second thing get a broom handle right a nice long broom handle get that sensation here we're going to left the lead hand is on top right hand is underneath you're going to push back here and you're winding back into position here look at the right elbow folding now what we're gonna do we're going to work the club back down here into impact look at my body as I release the club here look how my body reacts to this alright so many people do this they're moving their bodies around here right we don't do that look at this and working it back working it down and my body reacts to the club my body's not leading right my body is turning reacting to the golf web here fantastic right then you've got finally the club head right the club head swing you've got big heavy weight use gravitational forces lose the weight of the head sling the head up allow the weight and the power to come down I often hit golf balls one-handed this will be interesting one-handed right to show people how far we can hit a golf ball because I want that let the club there we go look at that I probably still got about hundred thirty yards use gravitational forces to generate power right I haven't got masses I must advance blush traveled a fair fair few yards right so I hope you really enjoyed this keep things simple go on work on this and if you think anyone else might benefit please share it and of course look if you're enjoying the channel and you want to receive it in your inbox every week don't forget to press the subscribe button and the bell until next week have a great golfing week