driver dirlls driver tips turn slice into draw Nov 08, 2021

Full Transcript 

hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I am super excited because I've got an exercise that works for slices and hookers if you're finding that you're strongly hit your driver straight all your ions this particular drill is working a tree I've just come off a session with a half-day session with Bill that comes to see me he's got a great big slice on him not striking the ground correctly and losing a stack a distance by the end of the session we turned this slice into draw with all of his clubs from his irons right through to his driver and I'm it's it's really really straightforward we use the magic of one simple exercise and how you naturally can make changes we're all looking for those drills that are able to basically make changes without you having to think too much about it this drill does exactly that I'm going to share with you that in this week's training before we do if you're new to the channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing and release content like this every week to try and help you improve your game so what is this drill well let's imagine you're a slicer or hooky works for both what a slice is do they come in here they come over the top here around the corner the face is wide open they generally chop down on the golf ball sort of losing a lot of power a lot of the energy is going this way right so what we need to do is is we slicers know this right slicers know that what they want to be a do is is they want the club face naturally rotating through impact they want to swing more down here more in line so we can actually rip through the shot a lot of slices and if you're one of them know this but still struggle to do it so is there a drill that works and helps it happen more naturally yes there is by the way if you are not a slicer breed a haka it works for you too but in the opposite way I'll show you that in a second so what we want to do with a slicer we want to obviously get the club working down the line through the shot naturally rotating the club through impact take these lovely straight shots or even draws we don't want the face open coming across how do we go about doing it well let me show you something which I learnt from tennis if we can create if we force the body to do something we almost naturist we're gonna create like a game like situation if we naturally forced about it do something it's better than having to think of a load of stuff right so watch this when I was learn to play tennis in order to earn his pay to get top spin on a tennis shot right I assumed that toxin was like a rolling of the wrists right and I was trying I wonder why the ball kept dripping into the net to create topspin what we got to do apparently is angle the racket downwards well I'm thinking about you handle all the racket downwards how you supposed to get the ball over the net well what you do is you then hit up on the tennis ball as you're doing it so you're hitting upwards and because the rackets angled downwards the ball hits and you put topspin on and you're Fitz forced in this muck with a racket angled downwards it's forcing you to in order to get over that you have to do what it's forcing you to move upwards through the tennis ball right hence creating loads of topspin and still loads of power so the angle racket angled down forces the motion well how does that relate to golf well everyone who's struggling with their slice or hook for that matter slices obviously have a wide open faith so we want to somehow naturally force and in two out motion as a poster and out to win Martian so what we can do is this we could take a club got six on here and I'm simply going to close the face on the club by about 35 to 45 degrees then I'm going to grip it I'm not going to in a sense just close like this I'm going to turn the club face in then I'm going to grip it right now from there that face now is pointing miles left of target and I've deal off to the club a considerable amount so if I want to get this ball airborne and I want to set it off straight what am I gonna do what am i I have what game my playing I'm gonna have it's for swimming now to swing this way so the game you play and you see obviously for the range initially bit of work you can take it to a golf gloss brilliant what you do now is is you put game you plays this now we when bill came along you did this you did an almost sure enough he came a little bit of the top and where do you do this matches it Lars left a target great so he starts to see that ball now going now first of all she's great she's never seen the bottom we've right-to-left ever so now it's moving right to left but it's setting off left a target so the game he plays is he goes round okay well let's see if now what do I need to let see if I can get this boss setting off straighter so bit by bit he's in held trying to set the game off straight he's not thinking into out and all those technical stuff he's just playing a game where he somehow with his clothes face trying to set it off more and more over there and so he gets it absolutely right so he's just simply having fun trying to get that clubface through the shot and set the ball off on the line that he wants because the fact that clubface is closed is forcing him to do this in a game like situation and he's allowing his body to naturally make that move does it work with driver absolutely yes it does so watch this now I'm at the end of the range I'm not gonna do a smash here just in case I hit thee the range of the other side but I want to show you this so what you do you take driver exactly same thing we're gonna turn the face in 35 to 45 degrees then we're gonna grip it now look at that there I'm gonna turn after gris driver we've probably turned that now into like a - god knows what loft right so if I want to now if I just if I want to play a normal shot my chances out I'm not gonna get its ball up in the air so what is he gonna force me to do it's gonna force me now to do one or two things I'm gonna have to practice now hitting up why because like the racket is facing downwards so we're gonna have to work on hitting basically up on this driver right the next thing it's gonna do he's facing left so I'm gonna try and get it not only up I'm gonna try and get it out to the right because it's forcing me to do this so let's start really small and sure enough I've hit a great big hook right but I'm a natural drawing ball so this drill is terrible for me but four slices is absolutely brilliant so itself set close that face and just enjoy playing the game and working out how you're gonna get that ball straighter setting off much straighter it will force the correct Marshall and you know what it turns your slice naturally into a draw maybe even just straight start off with what you then do is is if you start to do this and the ball setting off and it's starting to go with a great big hook not a problem what you do then unless someone hits it right through was it lovely jubbly what you didn't do what you've done that is you might then just gradually tweak the clubface back a little bit so you just it's not maybe as it may be it's like 20 degrees now not 45 and then so I've reduced it a fraction and then gradually you go again and straightaway you start now moving that ball setting up on the line that you want okay now slicing if you're something if your hooker you simply do the opposite you'll start with an open face right and then what happen is with an open face you'll then have to kind of turn the body through impact almost to do what slicer you actually turn the body through to square the opposite you'll work out a way to turn that body through so in summary how does this work very very straightforward you got to trust a natural learning process of the body right you've got to understand that the body will work out an answer to this problem closing the face then gripping it if you just plain let's try something normally you're going to hit low left allow the body to simply have fun work out an answer to this problem and straightaway I'm going to create this motion which is starting the ball off right and getting the ball moving if you're a slicer and you start to get that ball moving right to left you are going to be so satisfied it's going to give you so much more confidence start swinging to the right because you're moving that ball right to left I love it it's simple you can take it straight to the golf course and think of it this way even if you don't get the ball moving right to left when you a slice of the golf ball your face is clearly open at impact so if you close it by thirty five forty five degrees the chances of it being much squarer impact massive will increase anyway so how can you lose so give it a go leave a comment in the comments box below let me know how you get on with it it's a fun game and it really helps to naturally make changes to your swing guys if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up and if you're new so tell and you haven't subscribed already come and see us next week by pressing the subscribe button and the bell but until next week have a great golfing week