Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week we're going to focus on the subject of power specifically generating more club head speed at the moment of impact so you can generate more distance in your irons and your woods now we're also going to discuss some of the biggest pitfalls I see with many of my clients when they're trying to generate more power now obviously we want power but you want to remit maintain accuracy we're going to talk about how you maintain the accuracy but generate decent distance on all of your shots now before we do if you're new to this channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing I release content like this every single week to try and help you improve your game so let's get started what do we do - first of all to generate speed well the very first thing we need to know is we need to know first of all we need to get into a position where we can swing - that maintains our accuracy now I released a video last week which I'll put in this top left hand corner here where I like to call it my reverse engineering move I want to get someone into a decent follow-through position the destination point because that will help them have somewhere to flow - and it helps with accuracy I'm going to go through summarize what I did last week for you today and then we're going to show you how we then add a lot of speed and distance to that movement so let me show you so what we did was this I believe that the easiest way to swing a golf club is you can get wrapped up in all the mechanics have come down here do this etc but you know what if you focus on a destination point out there your body will work out it's the best way to get to that position it's like you've looked if I was going to throw a ball to you right now my arm is going to come back here it's going to come through here it's not likely to come around there around there why because you're over there right so my arms going to come straight back and straight through so if we create a good destination point you also potentially create a much better quality backswing as well so it does kill two birds one stone so we're going to go through briefly because the more details of this are in the top left hand corner and how we really want to focus on speed today go briefly through how we do this so the very first thing we do is you take the club in your lead and this is my left hand and what we do is you get yourself set and you see my logo my on my glove here I'm gonna rotate my forearm here back to face behind me the toe of the club facing the sky and now what I'm gonna do is this I'm gonna reach out and stretch now some of the feedback I got and I've seen people do this is when you reach out some people do this they reach over this would lead to an over-the-top move this is serve these slices watch out for this what we do from here is we reach underneath very very important so we reach underneath this gives us our destination point toe pointing to sky that's all we're gonna focus on then what we do is you kind of practice flowing first of all into that position so you're trying to repeat that process again more detail of that is in the video up above right so once you've got that destination pon we think okay great people within like I'm getting lovely strike with this I'm getting a lovely accuracy but how do we generate some speed and how do you scale it upwards that's what we're going to focus on today so once we've done that what we do is very very straightforward two or three elements we need to know so what am I doing here is this something to practice when you get yourself to earth set up and we to practice hinging the wrists here so you've got a nice good bit of flex I want to then practice releasing those wrists and what you do is you press hinge and release cut the wrists uncock the wrists this is really really important to many people here either not cocking the wrists at all all what they're doing is is they're hanging on to dear life and they're trying to hit the ball with their body what we want to do and I want you to do here is this I want you to get used to the feeling of this cocking the wrists here and then watch this uncut them and release now notice here my body is stayin level with the golf ball it's not going through which will bring me on to my next point in a second so let's start off with this one so I'm gonna hit a shot and all I'm gonna do it here is this I'm gonna practice talk.you my wrists and then uncocking them and try to finish in that position there okay let's have a look at this so [ __ ] uncock so I'm exploding okay now you'll notice and what I'll do in a second I'll put a little slow-mo of that video of that swing well now for you and what you'll notice is this you won't see me when I'm coming through doing this I'm not rotating my entire body a lot of people are trying to complete that follow-through a lot of the time they're trying to finish this lovely through motion here but one thing that happens in the golfing is this when you get to about here your left side starts to brace for impact it doesn't keep everything doesn't just keep rotating through there becomes a point here when something resists the left side resists and then the club fires I almost want you to imagine if anything there's almost like a wall here what we don't do is go through that wall which I see a lot of people who are maybe skying their tee shots are hitting very low drivers or slicing their balls what we want to do is when we aren't cut the wrists here and then we fire we want to fire against a good solid left side or lead side let's have a look at that again so and get myself set [ __ ] you my wrists firing through to this position I'm not firing this way I'm staying against a nice firm lead side so [ __ ] uncock and look at this motion here yes momentum has taken me through to a position that's a lot higher and that's how you eventually complete momentum up because I fired that so well let the club really go there momentum took me through now this can be a little scary for some of you and it certainly was for a couple of clients that came down and they're from Spain this week one of the things that is strange initially is it can feel a little bit out of control so when you let this club release yeah it feels like wow will it go straight you know it feels like have lost a bit you know a lot a bit of control but what you're getting is is basically almost this catapult okay now I put a video out with a driver where I should how I called it the catapult we're basically the club here almost does this he gets there some stage something has to stop for the club to fire so when you get here there has to be some fun resistance for the club to fire if there wasn't it would look like this where's the power there isn't all this is is then a a drag around you're pushing through the wall you're not against this firm left side you're simply just pushing against that wall we need to get a swing that at some stage has to fire now you combine that with this reverse engineering drill where you kind of know roughly your destination and suddenly you can get the speed and the accuracy all wrapped in to one all right so let's finish off and have a look at again how this how this all works so we're going to cut the wrists and practice uncocking them to that position Cottenham uncut them practice staying behind the ball don't try to get forward don't try and get power going this way because if you get going this way just like the catapult theory I would mention it in that one of the videos above you don't get the catapult and the speed from the club what you get is simply no real power and just basically a drag across we need to get the [ __ ] in the wrist and then watch this that can have to bolt to there you have to put the club catheter put the club let's have a look one last time hinge unhinge and hey presto we get some speed so I hope you enjoyed this video let's have a lot of summary what have we done so basically you need to know your destination you need to know where you're going to you know for more detailed information out look at the video in the top left hand corner here this will go into exactly how you get there know your destination then [ __ ] your wrist start to get some speed cut your wrists uncocking them cut them uncut them yes do you want this we don't want this position doing that's a flick well getting that right because you know your destination here that's what you're going to you won't caught them because if you uncut them too soon what would happen that's not that's not the same destination isn't it so know your destination point first rotate to here stretch avoid reaching over and then uncock and release against a good strong lead side yeah we don't want any collapsing we don't really going through here that's when you get the drag across and not the extra speed that you need to get with both your irons and your woods for that extra bit of power so I really hope you enjoyed this video if you do and you know some of your friends that might do help a little bit of help with the bear power please share it it really really helps and of course if you're new to the channel consider subscribing but until next week have a great golfing week