HOW TO EASILY CLEAR YOUR HIPS IN THE DOWNSWING - The complete process and a magic drill
Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this way I'd like to help you open your hips far more effectively through the impact area why why is it important why do the best ball strikers do this because it generates so much more power it helps you deliver the power and it also helps you to hit it much straighter so getting that open through impact this is one thing you'll see so common with literally every decent player on the planet they're having a wonderful clearance that's what I want you to learn because if you're not doing this if you're finding yourself an impact here where you're very straight on you're gonna end up having a swing that has a very little power and then obviously watch this if there's no space here you end up having to just flick the club with the arm so you'll have impact positions also that look a little bit like this you might even have a chicken wing that starts to come out as a byproducts all of these factors are generating inconsistencies huge loss of power so it's very important that you learn to open the hips that is what I'm going to share with you in this week's training before I get into the video though if you're new to this channel and it's one of your first videos online hopping to the community by pressing that subscribe button and the bell and I notify you every time there's a new video just like this one now let's get started why is it important well I've just given you a brief introduction of why getting the hips open is important watch this if I was to pick up a ball in the most simplest fashion if I pick up a ball and don't move my hips and just throw it like this all I've got is an isolated arm - there's no power in that if I do this and now I've got my hips open I can use my body the entire bow to sling the ball so clearly there's more power involved the other factor is clear you know when you're here if I don't move I getting this flicking motion as I said the club gets unstable it closes it kind of opens it just becomes not nice so I want to show you now how to open those hips first thing the easiest thing to do is this stage number one I'm the question to you is what is your target what is your target most people have so much attention on their golf swings the golf ball keeping their head down that everything's here they do want to hit it down the fairway but the problem is is they've got so much focus and worry about what's going on down here that their body is just don't move from this spot so where you put your attention okay where you put that attention we'll have a but a completely direct impact on what goes on with us hips if your attention is it in this area why would you turn through you know you're going to focus on here you're going to look something like this so I mean it's in the in its extreme there's no ball police at the ball makes make a good swing hit it straight I mean I'm silly exaggerating here but that is going to create a very static motion the golfer who's kind of out there thinking about where they're going to hit it and they're focused there now look there they're there they're moving towards this target as a movement towards its target that is going to naturally encourage more hip motion it doesn't guarantee it but it's going to increase the likelihood that it's going to happen what does guarantee the hips not moving it's too much attention to much obsession too much thinking going on about the swing and concern over where the ball is going to go all right so stage number one make sure that your target draws out the hip turn that's important the target needs to be out there tip number two is I want you to imagine now you let's grab that grab a jam jar a cookie jar and watch this when if to open the lid there are two forces at play here so when you kind of take a a jam jar okay and you kind of twist it you've got opposite forces all the time working yeah like this twist so I want you to imagine now your feet are work is working in opposite directions so if you most people are trying to open their hips that's just out official or whoop that's not what we're doing no-pros tries to open their hips their hips are a byproduct of what goes down on in the feet so when you get yourself set what I want to imagine is you're stood on a gigantic jam jar and what you're going to do is is with this slide here you're going to kind of unscrew the jam jar so you've got a force going this way with your right foot and a force going this way with your left you really feel and imagine the jam just a little bit stuck yeah and you're gonna push it out you really gonna drive it now actually driving that there and you twist to the jam now what happens to the hip it moves the by prett the difference this is the hips not moving because it's some limp Martian it's moving because it's how you're generating that power so what you do you get yourself set make a few swings I want you to imagine on both sides you're gonna turn the jam jar this way this way you're going to turn it there feel that in the feet and then on the way through it you're also going to feel like you're gonna turn the jam they feel lost forces working and I would do this to start off with in a really nice slow fashion turn the jam jar this way and then from here turn it through that way and really sense that ground working artificially moving the hips and trying to get them up and just won't work and if it does it's a fake Martian as professionals we don't want to up in our hips artificially their their opening because it's helping us generate speed into this Martian so have a look at this again we'll get yourself set or stood on that jam jar I've often used the gigantic screw here but I think the jam jar and the opposite forces worked nicely as well so we get ourselves set feel the force is going in opposite directions you've got one force going into there another one's unscrewing here and then again unscrew it here you can really feel those legs working have another look at this
simple nice and easy motions to start with now on to the number three which if you've ever seen the new hotshot at the moment Matthew Wolfe go and check him out sensational player he has an interesting drill which I think could also help you learn the feel of what is open so watch this one thing you'll see Matthew Wolfe do check him out online here's he has a little knee move so when he gets himself set here he actually turns his hips this way and these shoulders slightly open as well now what's he doing here well I think this kind of drill will help you feel what open actually feels like a lot of people don't really know what it's supposed to feel like at the moment they strike a golf ball so if you get yourself set here normally and then just open your hips open your toes a little bit so roughly you want about thirty degrees out will you hit fifteen degrees out mules would be a good guide and the open you get a feeling come back and then just very slowly
move into that position so again I'm not hitting this hard in any shape or form at this stage what we're trying to do is teach you and help you learn the feel of this situation so someone have a look at this get yourself set him there we're going to open the hips a little bit here by twisting that jam-jar we're going to open the shoulders a little bit feel what that's like hold it there for a second or two come back to square nice and smooth so if somebody what have we done well the very first thing you need to do in order to try and get those hips working is well first of all understand why you get them working because it's one of the main reasons why you generate power and accuracy when you throw a ball it's how you get everything delivered flowing through to the target you know what leads all that's what creates all this the target you know if you're focused on down here could you've got so many throwing thoughts you're worrying about this worrying about that you're gonna say very fixed to this area and you have these just these isolated motions of just your arm working when you get more target orientated in your intentions out there your body's more likely to move that in itself could be curative that could naturally just improve it but to fine-tune this once you've got that in place then you've got those other couple of exercises this isn't and I've just Artie what I've got to kept my hips open the hips moving are opening our core a result of natural athleticism in the shot no matter your edge imagine that jam jar there's always opposite forces you know to screw the lid off you're kind of moving the jar one way and the lid the other way the same principles true in golf we want to move the hips what's happening is is you've got a force going into the heel of the the lead foot here my left foot and a force going this one I'm twisting the jam jar as I'm doing this my hips are the byproduct open but they open with power they're not just artificially doing this so you get a few balls get that sensation I would take your time with no hitting long shots initially just really sense that and if when they really feel the jam jar going through I'm playing a few short shots to start with together get that sensation and the third and final thing is the Mafia wolf exercise this is person one in life ropes I really like this if somebody who also can get a little bit slightly trim pat myself and and don't always get the hips open this I really really like and that's just a case of getting yourself set here feeling that you're gonna turn the jam jar here you are opening up your hips about thirty degrees holds about fifteen you learn to feel what that's like there hold it come back into Center again no big shot back and away we go and it is as simple as that he says so I hope you enjoyed this training if you did don't forget it a thumbs up and share it with somebody who you think could benefit from something like this maybe this film with some distance and accuracy this simple exercise will really really help and of course look you need to channel press that subscribe button there so I can send you some more videos next week but until next week everyone have a great golfing week