GOLF TIPS FOR PERFECT GOLF SWING SETUP AND POSTURE - how close you should stand to the golf ball
Nov 04, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here head professional at the Canterbury Golf Club in Kent would you like to know how to set up to the golf ball easily every single time in a way that adds more power and accuracy to you again I asked this question because I had two or three clients this week who have come to the driver moon to come for a lesson have been really struggling to get their power and accuracy and they were never going to get it with any swing thing because they're set up initially just wasn't right so let me give you some help today I'm showing you how to get this setup right sit in a way that adds some energy and power and some accuracy to you again so the first thing that happens I find when people are sending to the golf ball is they they forget that they're trying to propel a golf ball a long way down the fairway so they tend to set up a little bit limp the legs that really engage their arms that really engaged and what they tend to do they stand here like this and gradually just swing backwards and forwards and their body tends to be flopping and moving around it's not really engaged in it in a way that's going to add some power to this shot so the first thing I would say very very simple is to help you get the sensation of this energy and power in your legs so just take a golf club put it behind your back and underneath your glutes here all right just pull upwards pull up and from here what I want you to do is I'm going to fall forward to the point at which you almost feel that you're gonna fall over and then just soften the knees now what you should start to feel here is you put some tightness in your thighs some tightness in in your glutes and you're really in the calves here really activate it really energized compare that to watch this it's your difference look at that there let's do that again watch this I'm putting my glutes up activate the legs can feel a little tension on my thighs I'm almost falling forward I'm just sitting now just lose out a little bit with the knees push the knees this way into the ground and these are rock solid legs are rock solid from this position here we're really ready to strike that golf ball so you've engaged your legs you've engaged your glutes you're in this position here now whereby this is coming up here you're falling forward you've engaged your thighs your glutes you're pushing down now with your knees this way and you feel almost you've toes a grip in the ground and you you're loaded I can feel quite a lot of tension in my in my legs that I'm really ready now just a little check point here just make sure that when you're doing this I've got a Lyman stick here that your feet are in line your knees are in line your hips and light and your shoulder line as you're doing this from here just relax let the arms just hang down here they should be hanging beautifully from the sockets ready to play directly underneath the chest that's what we're trying to do now this won't always feel comfortable to start off with and you'll probably want to kind of just lose that portion of fall back so what I suggest you do initially is just practice hitting golf balls forgetting about where they're going just trying to hold this position because naturally if you're not used to this it all feel very much over the bluff you're not useless feeling you'll want to fall back into a position that feels more comfortable and maybe have a lot less loaded tension in there so now we're in a position here we'll go over the golf ball I'm going to hit a few shots backwards and forwards
just like that all right so nice and simple I felt like even I moved a little bit on that one there so not as good as I liked but again all I do here is work on maintaining it here my body probably wants to fall backwards cuz we're hue still let's say stay over that ball here gripping the toes into the ground and maintaining that posture really really simple so let's summarize if you're looking for more powerful more accurate golf shots you can set up in a very loose Flint fashion this is often the reason why you see so many people moving around a lot because then having engaged their body so the step one is process put a golf club get the feelers put it under your buck cheeks here push up and fall forward and so you feel like you're falling forward gripping the toes with the ground here engages the legs secondly make sure that you're in line as you're doing this to a Lima stick that you place on the ground and then from here the third thing we're doing is just make sure your abs are hanging down and while you practice this remember it's not easy to stay in this position initially you're for a feel what's a bit kind of tense on my legs I'll just relax them right what we want to do is maintain that posture through the swing hitting golf balls not worrying about where the balls going initially just get a sensation here we're gonna do backwards and forwards maintain the posture backwards and forwards over and over again ignoring where the balls go in ischl e brim if you're really enjoying this content please subscribe to the channel really appreciate it if you've got any questions at all please leave them in the comments box below I'll do my best to answer them over the coming days and until next week have a great golfing week.