I've Never Seen A Faster Way To Hit Driver Straight Than This
Jan 20, 2025Transcript Summary -
Today, I’ve got a special guest joining me on the channel—Andreas Kelly. He’s known for making golf simple and helping players achieve effortless, powerful shots. Andreas is going to share an incredible drill to help you hit your driver straight and consistently, addressing one of the most common challenges golfers face. Before we dive in, if you’re new here, consider subscribing. I share weekly videos to help you improve your game, and every tip in this video will be available as a free downloadable guide in the description box.
The number one question I get is, “How do I hit my driver straight?” Many amateur golfers struggle with slicing, poor contact, or lack of distance. Andreas explains that slicing often comes from a misalignment of the face and path. When the clubface is open to the path, the ball cuts off to the right for right-handed golfers. To fix this, the first step is to close the face relative to the path, which can often be achieved with adjustments to your grip and forearm alignment. Once the face is closed, you can focus on swinging more to the right, creating a powerful, functional draw.
A common slicing setup involves a forward ball position with the upper body leaning left, which unintentionally aligns everything left of the target. Andreas shows how adjusting your setup, including the face angle and forearm orientation, can help create a proper path for straighter and more powerful shots. The key is to make simple changes step by step—first learning to pull-hook the ball and then dialing in the swing path for a playable, consistent draw.
These tips are simple yet transformative and don’t require complex skills. It’s about retraining your setup and approach. If you’ve been slicing, don’t fear the pull-hook; it’s a crucial step to building a straighter, more controlled shot. I hope you find this drill as effective as I have. If you enjoyed it, give it a thumbs up, share it with a friend, and check the description box for more resources. For more on adding distance, check out my video with Xander Schauffele—it’s been a game-changer for many. Until next time, have a fantastic week of golf!
Full Transcript- so I've got a special guest coming on the channel today he's famous to CCH famous to creating easy effortless goal he's going to show you how you can hit drivers straight in a really easy effortless way with one incredible drill I'm going to bring him on very very shortly but before I do look if you're new to the channel so your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing all these videos like this one every single week to trying to help you in preview game but you never have to remember a thing whatever you see in this video I'll put into a free download guide in that description box below let's get started right driving yeah so number one question I get on the channel how to hit driver straight so guys are you know the average amet gol for slicing it struggling with contact they want to have more distance but again if someone if somebody's struggling to to hit those Fairways basically yes where do you start struggling to hit Fairways I would have you would have to look at the face and the path right yeah um usually you'd you'd also have to look at Center of strike and where they're hitting it on the face but honestly I see that very often going with where the path is coming from Yes um so I'd make sure that the face and the path are in a good spot could you explain this just for the people watching what do you mean by fair and paath is um so basically to get the description of okay people are slicing the golf ball right and maybe they're actually hitting like these really weak weak balls that's cut from left to right if they right-handed golfer and then every now and then they catch one really good and they go ooh I caught it but then they look up and it's like 50 to 60 maybe even 70 just straight left right and they they would come and they go I'm super I want to get more consistent I want to hit it straight or I want to do these different things and usually what ends up happening is that they're actually if you put them on a launch monitor the the club path is fairly consistent yes it's just in a nonfunctional place it's going in it's going in this direction that direction right yeah now if I was swinging if I was going this way y but my path is going this way the only way to hit a functional golf shot in the Fairway is to have the face angle open to that path yeah so I can get the ball kind of starting a little bit towards my Target and then it curves away from the path which adds the right curve right which is where where that slice is coming from for sure y so that gets us into basically ction which would have an effect on distance yes so again we're reversing the order a little bit but it would have an effect on this so I would look at that first of all I'd look at what are you setting up to hit yeah and I would also look at what's your intention what are you trying to do yeah so right before be before looking at swing somebody comes to you with a slice and you're going to get what have you got at the start of your swing just a set of Pon what's there okay yeah so what would somebody typically look like if they're slicing if they're slicing the ball yeah what would they look like they have usually if they've done a little bit of an impression on golf or they've talked to a couple of people they usually have a intention of hitting up Y which means that their ball position is forward in their stance yes um which is fine having the ball position forward what I will see is how they get to that forward ball position so let's just say I put it between my left big toe my left heel yep is that usually their pelvis stays in the middle of their stance and the very first thing they do is that they turn their torso to their left to reach the ball to get to that golf ball now really if I'm setting up to it right here and you can probably see it from the face on view that I've got my upper body in front of my lower body y it's the very first thing and all of a sudden they'll probably also see that the face is actually pointed to the left then they'll open the face up now if I was going to slice the golf ball this is exactly what I do perfect setup for a slice perfect I'd put the ball forward I'd move keep my pelvis in place I'd get my upper body turning to the left and I'd point the face at the Target so just from there you've got your shoulders left forearms left face towards Target there you go everything so so the path is basically left of where that face is at me exactly yeah yeah so that would be the very first thing i' love yeah exactly now there can be different orders to this but what I would do normally is that I would start by closing the face to the path yeah because I think as long as people are seeing these golf balls cut out to the right if we just changed their path they just basically taken that cut that was slice that was functional yes and now we're just moving it out to the right so now it starts wres and cuts so I think you want to incentivize it a little bit and make give them a reason to move their path more to the right yeah and it feels better doesn't it if you even those ones that go like left they feel good those ones cuz they feel powerful feel strong you're feeling the compression right you're feeling the face and the path line up and you're going wow I actually caught one that didn't you just want that in that direction in that direction right so let's start by and I'll explain that let's start by actually pulling or pull hooking some golf shots yeah easiest way to do that is close the face to the path okay now in my opinion the easiest way to explain that is actually it becomes a grip change I'm guessing yeah but it becomes a lot more on where is my club face pointing compared to my forearms okay so right now if you look at it you can see that my forearms were pointing kind of down into the left compared to where the face angle is which is that now if I can change that so let's just say I took my forearms and I turned them to the left as much as I could yeah now this face angle is pointing really far to the left but I actually aligned my forearms differently yeah so now the face is still pointing at the Target compared to me it's pointing a completely different direction yeah so you completely shifted the path yeah just like that I've shifted the path and I've shifted the face to that path yeah it's like the opposite of what we just done for sure yeah for sure yeah I don't see many slicers where if I look from down the line where I can see their lead forearm on top or over their Trail forearm just for cam yeah show the opposite so this one here is is now aiming in that direction is going to send the path more lightly to the right y so the opposite would be this way yes yeah got it I see this yeah me too all day yeah I think it's intuitive because the ball's over there yeah and that's what they've done to kind of reach it yes yeah and also I suppose at Pima as well one of the things is if people start seeing that ball curving they're almost in that mental avoidance kind of mechanism I don't want it to go right so they kind of even more and more trying to right yeah I don't want to go right so I swing left it's my job security is the golf is not intuitive yeah exactly so and I think there's something in people being mostly right-handed too where it kind of feels like I'm controlling something from up here and the right arm is reaching and it's straight and nice where all the time close the
face and then point the face back to the right by changing your forarm rotate orientation you can already see almost like that shifting the whole shape of the body as well yeah naturally for sure and all of a sudden I've got this face angle close to that path love it so that would be without a doubt the very first place to look great great now again you'd want
in real life the face dictates the start Direction and the ball curves away from the path yes but for a lot of people who slice it intuitively what you want what you want them to do is to actually close the face to the path so the ball curves to the left yes and then get a feel that the path is your start Direction yes so if I set up to the golf ball I'm trying to demonstrate one if I set up to one and I actually pull hook a golf ball so that Ball's now big movement right to left which is kind of where we want to go exactly that would be the very first step yeah and then step number two from there and just just to those people watching don't be you know really important not to be afraid of that I mean that's one of the real goals if you've been a slicer of a of a golf ball you're you know Andreas has play this like you lovely little hook there now that's kind of a brilliant place to start isn't it cuz if you can do that you've just shown a wonderful where you proved to yourself that actually you can now move that ball exactly both ways and that is Step number one I think it becomes too much if I'm trying to change the face and the path at the same time so can I keep these feels in my wrists and in my club head yeah and now all of a sudden I can actually keep doing this and then I can start the bowl further to the right by actually getting a sensation I'm hitting this thing I'm swinging this thing to the right absolutely right so I'm setting up to it right here and now all of a sudden I can start drawing these golf balls on that starting Direction there now much much more right it's not sliced in any shape off yeah wind's kind of holding it off a little bit but that's a completely different St that's playable yes much more playable where it makes total sense and more and actually Andre if look at that flight that's going to be it's also more powerful because you there you all the energy is going into the back of the ball isn't it yeah versus glancing across it yeah for sure you know yeah you get the same issue right you get people who show up and they go feel like my 76 5 and four iron are going the same distance and not compared to the amount of effort I put in my Ball's not going anywhere well it's cuz you're putting the effort the wrong place yeah right so I would say this is not as much a it's trying to hit it straighter and you get the distance for free yes cuz that ball speed's going to go up tremendously yeah but I think again checking the setup making sure that to start with I'm at least aligned I need I know I need to swing more to the right I just can't get myself to do it you know what that's probably you're into intuition being pretty good yes that my face angle is open to my arms or my forearms my chest is pointed to the left and I know deep down that if I actually try to swing more to the right like that thing is not even in play anymore so you're saying in reality is golfers intuitively are doing a pretty damn good job yeah at basically trying to solve the issues that they've built into setup yeah for sure basically so they're doing a really good job and and actually try to change their swing yeah is pretty futile unless you get that yeah so yeah you got to and it's and again it's there's you don't get doesn't matter the skill level you don't get that many opportunities to put stuff in you can't add too many things now you can actually when the ball's sitting still and you're not moving you've got a little bit of a chance to actually think yeah right so you can actually have some sort of order where it's okay I'm going to make sure my b position's good I'm going to stand up straight I'm going to close the face and then I'm going to open the face back up by changing my shoulder orientation or my arm orientation and then maybe in the swing you get an opportunity to have like one thing yeah you don't get two no but you kind of you've probably cured a a stack of things just that in that one thing that I think so and I think what what I love about that as well Andress is it's kind of there's no skill involved with that no I mean that's kind of in a sense anybody can actually do that there there might be a little bit of attack on the ego cuz it's going to feel uncomfortable yeah because I've never done it before but that's almost like learning how to I don't know if you're going to do like this with your fingers it might be a little tense in the begin it might be a little tense in the beginning but that's because your brain's trying to figure out like I've never done this before so tension could happen it could be a little bit uncomfortable yeah but ball doesn't really lie if you learn how to really hit low hooks first yes then you got the opportunity to actually move your path to the right and actually hit functional golf shots so I don't know about you but don't think things come any simpler than that I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a thumbs up share it with a friend and if you want to find out more about Andreas Kelly and get fre practice plan do check out the description box below and of course look if you're looking at adding more distance to your driver check this video out I did here with number two golfer Xander chaet the feedback on it has been really brilliant because of its Simplicity but until next week have a wonderful golfing week.