My Golf Swing Never Improved until I Discovered this!
Oct 06, 2022Full Transcript - Certainly, here's the transcript broken into readable paragraphs: In this video, I'm going to share with you golf's only secret, and I so wish I'd have been taught this when I was an amateur golfer. It would have saved me years of pain trying to figure it out. No matter what shot you're playing, whether you find yourself dribbling it along the ground, topping the ball, or slicing it over to the right, or hooking it over to the left, to understand how to cure this, you need to appreciate exactly what is happening to the golf club at the moment of impact. It doesn't matter what your swing looks like; there are many different swings on tour, but you need to understand precisely what the club is doing at impact to solve all of your problems. But here's a secret: that club is traveling too fast. So, where the secret lies is in your ability to read the ball flight. Understanding what the ball flight is doing and watching the ball flight will give you everything you need to know to cure your top, your slice, your hook. Today, what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you exactly how you can start doing that. I'm going to give you a simple demonstration. I'm going to hit a shot for you and show you exactly what I mean. That ball, look, watch this, has gone left of the target, and you can see it curving over there to the right. I'm going to show you now. I know what that club has done at impact without any numbers on the screen. The path for that club is out to win. Okay, swung across the line of the golf ball, so we're going to see a minus path number on Trackman. The club face is close to that path. I know this, so the club face will face the path will also be a minus number. But you don't need Trackman; you need to know. I've just seen it. I can see the ball flight's giving me all my answers. Have a look at this. I'm going to go into the Trackman here and look at the club path. There's the minus number. Face to path, there we go. Put it back on the screen. We both have minus numbers. How did I know that without going into the system? The ball flight. So, let's go into how you can start learning this yourself because now I know that the club face is closed, I know the path was slightly left. I've now got the tools to start working on improving my swing. Let's start with you now. If you're hitting a beautiful straight shot that is well struck, it doesn't matter what your swing looks like. I know that you have perfectly done this: your club has acted beautifully back on an arc, the club has arrived perfectly square. That basically means the face now is at 90 degrees to the target line. Your club is then acted beautifully back around, very much similar to a swing door. If you're not hitting it straight and you're not striking it well, the great thing is you can only be doing a few things wrong. Either your club path is too far to the right or too far to the left, your club face is either aiming too far to the left or your club face is aiming too far to the right. Or finally, your club attack angle, you're attacking either too steep on the ball or too shallow, or you're hitting up on it too much. What we've got to figure out right now is in the shots that you're hitting, which or what are you doing wrong? If we can figure those out, you're going to have now a beautiful recipe that's going to solve all of your golfing problems. So, to make things easier, let's divide the two shots into two families: balls that set off to the right of the target and balls that set off to the left of the target. If your ball sets off to the right of the target and flies straight to the right, here's what I know you're doing. You are catching the ball very early on the arc, before it's had a chance to straighten up. The club face is completely square to the path but aiming to the right of the target. If your ball sets off straight to the left but now curves to the left, your club face now is close to the path, but you're still late. If you slice the golf ball and the ball actually starts off left and then curves over this way again, you're catching the ball not early, not perfect but late on the arc. So, let me know in the comments if this is your family right now. The other family is the ball that sets off left of the target. Now, let me know in the comments if this is you. This time, you catch the ball, the ball sets off straight to the left, and flies straight. This time, you're catching the ball very late on the arc, the club face is completely square to the path and flies dead straight. If your ball flies, sets off left but now curves to the left, your club face now is close to the path, but you're still late. If you slice the golf ball and the ball actually starts off left and then curves over this way again, you're catching the ball not early, not perfect, but late on the arc. So, let me know in the comments which one of them do you think you will shock about some Solutions in a second? I know at first glance, all of that can seem very detailed, sometimes maybe even a bit complex. But if you take the time to learn it, it will give you all the necessary tools to make significant progress really, really quickly. I wish I'd have done this. It would save me years of practice. And I gave this to a recent student. Let me give you an example. The student came to me, and he was hitting the ball lower on the ground and to the right-hand side. The first thing he said was, "Oh, Danny, I'm hitting bad shots. I've lost my golf swing." Well, imagine it with that thought process; does he have any opportunity of improving? No, and he probably would go down on my road of various different YouTube videos to try and solve what he doesn't really know what's solving. So I said to him, "If the ball goes to the right, now I'm asking you this: where is he striking the golf ball? Too early on the arc, isn't he, early, not on time. So, the club path is heading where, to the right-hand side? Where's the club face if it's going straight to the right? It's square to that path. Now, we haven't covered this yet, so I'll bring it up now. He was thinning the ball. If you thin the ball along the ground, you are hitting up, so you are catching the ball on the way up as opposed to on the way down. Once he knew this, he now had a very simple solution. He needed to swing more down on the golf ball and more left. "So, that's all he did. He simply went, 'Oh, so I've got to swing more down. No, not quite. I'll keep going. There you go. Now, you hang down now, more left.' 'But, Danny, that feels like I'm going here where left.' I said, 'Yeah, just keep going.' What happened is, do you think his striking improved instantly? Not quite, but what he did is it went more and more left. It got higher and higher. And before you know it, as he kept making more and more alterations to cure it, it got better and better and better until he started to hit it beautifully straight. Why? Because he read the ball flight and worked back from there in a very, very simple way. So, you're going to see me in action in a second. Just give me a very, very quick lesson to my videographer, Leah, when I go through the exact process. But before I do, let's just discuss strike. So, strike, the main influence on strike is when in the downswing do you strike the golf ball, so the angle of attack. Now, with irons, we want to strike the ball then the ground, so we catch the ball before the club arrives at the bottom of its arc. With balls off a tee, like a driver, we want to catch the ball just after the low point of the arc. We catch it slightly on the way up. What can you see in the ball flight that will tell you exactly what you're doing? Let's start with if you are doing excessive of this. If you are coming down too steeply on it, you're going to see a ball flight that travels very, very low. If you strike the ball first, you're also going to see, if you find that you top the golf ball, but the top also goes left, this is another sign that you're coming steep on the golf course. If it's top, and the ball generally goes left, the other thing is this. If you catch the ground behind the golf ball, and the divot is quite big, this is another sign that you've come steeply into the golf ball. If, on the other hand, you're not coming steep but you're too shallow, you're hitting up on it too much, you're going to see a ball that thins along the ground. It's going to go, and the thins tend to go either straight or to the right of the target along the ground. That's similar to the student I was talking to about earlier. When you do strike a golf ball, you probably won't strike it with much of a divot, and the ball will travel super, super high. This, again, is another indication that your impact is very shallow. So, you're not catching on the way down but slightly on the way up. And finally, you could catch the ground behind the golf ball, but your divot is not deep; it's shallow because you're not digging into the ground behind. You're catching the ground behind the golf ball and swinging up. Okay, so these are the things that you need to look at if you are struggling with your ball striking. So, I thought it would be a really great idea now to bring Leo in. He's my videographer, who's a beginner golfer, and I want you to imagine he's just stepped up on the driving range. He starts to hit some shots, and what we're going to do is see if we can learn from the ball flight. I haven't put any figures on here. We're going to learn from the buffer and see what Leo could do to make real progress in his game simply by viewing this. Okay, so yeah, but this is a real complex. So, Leo, you have just there skied the ball, right? That tends to happen with me. Okay, right, what we're going to see here, this brand spanking new driver, you're going to see, and this is logic, you're going to see a little mark on top of the driver. What does this mean? If the ball goes straight up in the air, then I know for a fact that you have come down on that golf ball, and this has created the shot that's going to sky up in the air. Yeah. Okay, so what we've got to do is, we won't alter that to start. We won't do anything initially because it's just one shot. But if that started to become a pattern, then we would do things to help you shallow out the actual impact as opposed to coming down steep on the shot. All right, but no pause that. Pause. Pause. Right, so that there, yeah, was perfect because you've just hit a top shot. Now, these are two completely different shots out there, but you know what? They're exactly the same swing. What you've done is you have there come down on top of the golf ball. The difference is you come down on top of it, which is hitting the top of the ball as it's the same thing. You just miss-tied it with the same principle. All right, so let's hit again. So, all these things here, if you go back to what we've just talked about in terms of ball flight, they're going to give you all the answers. So, what do you need to do based on what we've just seen there? What is the answer to start to make progress with your driver? What needs to happen through the impact area that you're not doing right now? Come up. Exactly. Fantastic. So, think about what you need to do with the way you set up to this golf ball that's going to help you hit more comfortably. Yeah. Okay. How's that feel? A lot better. Yeah, makes sense. Yeah. So, slightly better sound, wasn't it? Yeah. Yeah. So, if you were to persist with this, start to work on this, and then keep reading the ball flight as and when, then you're going to start to make those tiny little adjustments because you're now in control. Clearly, all of this is complicated until you understand ball flight, and that is the difference between myself as a professional and maybe Leo as an amateur is I can quickly diagnose what's happening. Why? Because I've learned what I've shared in this video. So please, please, please go and learn it. Once you do, if you are in the slice family, please look at this video right here. If you are struggling with your ball striking, go to this video right here. These complement it absolutely amazingly well. Hope you enjoy this video. Give it a thumbs up if you did. And of course, join the channel for free. Have a great golfing week. Cheers.