Nov 04, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here and in this week's golf lesson I'm going to deal with a very popular problem that I see a lot of golfers having which is swaying have you ever looked at yourself on camera or I've been told by somebody that you sway from side to side and you've tried a lawyer drills and a lot of exercises but you're not really having much progress you probably realize it's a big killer in power and and destroys accuracy well today I'm going to reveal three things that you could start to do that should really make a big difference to this so let's get started now the first thing I'd like to consider is it's just a matter of understanding so a lot of people don't really understand the back soon how it should be how it should actually make it back to in the first place they've often been heard things like we're going to make a big turn or we need to transfer our weight to our right side and our left side but they haven't really been explained sometimes how to go about doing that so in an attempt for instance to transfer someone's weight to their right side they naturally sway to the right and then to the left of the create this lateral movement okay some people being taught to make a turn on sometimes making a turn it's a lot easier to sway back to the right and then through to the left now what I want you to kind of to let you know is that the golf swing is neither our right or left Martian okay what we try to do in a golf swing is we try to cancel a very constant very steady of the golf ball and we're trying to do is we're trying to make a connection and put pressure into the ground so in order to do that the way we make a backswing M is we put the back to it into a high position here now a great coach called Pete Carroll one of European Tour's number-one coaches came up with a wonderful image I love this image and the spiral imagine your back to like a spiral staircase and what that basically means is when you swing here the body spirals up into position it doesn't go round and around it doesn't go up this way it spirals up and then spirals back down because we want to put pressure on the ground to strike a golf ball okay so imagine that now if we are going to spiral up into position so that so what happens is the pressure it starts to climb up here okay look at the difference this leg doesn't what will happen does it want to move this way when we're climbing it doesn't really does it we're going up there it's going to stay back a little bit to go up up into the sky if on the other hand you've got the mindset of it's not climbing but it's moving laterally that's going to encourage your hips to move laterally okay so let me just summarize that the whole swing spirals up so it climbs this angle okay look at this here it starts to climb up up up and in this situation the right hips climb to the left it's gone this way and we're going up into position and the right leg has stayed at this angle it hasn't gone from this angle to this angle which would be a sway okay so the first thing I wanted to do to hopefully start to remove this sway in your golf swing is to consider the how you're imagining the actual battery itself it needs to be a climbing motion okay now one thing you can look out for okay which is the second point I'd like to look at it's how you go about practicing and being aware of it when you're actually hitting balls in a driving range what you can do is you could either grab a ball like this okay put a ball on the outside of your right foot okay you could also use a towel anything where you can feel the outside of your right foot or pressure I what I want to do the M here is to try and keep the right leg at basically this angle and your right hip acts as like a door so as you're kind of swinging backwards okay you're keeping your weight this is nice and on the inside of your right foot and your hips providing a clearance for you to climb open the door for you to climb upwards but as you're doing as you can see I'm staying very constant okay if you start to sway you'll immediately feel the pressure of the golf ball or whatever you put on the outside of your right foot on your foot itself so it gives you immediate feedback okay the third thing you can do would be something you could do at home I know a lot of you might not have time to come to driving ranges at to work on this so you can just grab a mirror and what you can do in front of a mirror is start to practice looking in a mirror and when you're swinging backwards having a look at the angle of your right leg and just practicing swinging and stop check your position here and go back down take your moment have a look in the mirror check your angle climb back okay when you start noticing yourself moving here and meeting you've got some feedback so it's just about rehearsing okay and this is what I'd like to do it also if you manage to get to a driving range if you can find a mirror have a look at the mirror do some rehearsals okay when you're hitting golf balls with this what I'd like you to do is one of my clients when they're practicing and they're trying to work on let's say getting rid of this way I had a client recently that was trying to get rid of it they took the set letter the first two points I mentioned and then they were going to start - okay got it down and yet low palmitoyl and then start to hit all these shots now the problem with that is you're not able then to focus on that one movement and when you go and hit a golf ball with a full golf swing it's too complex you've kind of you've chucked it all into one swing what we want to do is this dissect it and go right we want to work on one element the golf swing which is your sway so what's the best way of doing it well the best way is to completely ignore shots to start off with and focus entirely on how you're going to get this much much more connected controlled whatever you want to call it from here and the way I would work on it is to take your time nice and slowly turn back stop maybe just check and then hit the golf ball so what you're doing is then you're able to link the two or three points that we put their focus on today all together in a wonderful way and a deliberate way on focusing only on your hip we ignore shots to start off with because we're only focused on getting rid of your sway which you know over time will have a massive impact on your power and your accuracy so take your time focus turn back check yep I'm in I know where we go and all we're doing is we're not worried about strike or any thoughtful now we're just practicing their cuts are they good swings climbing up it's staying at this angle and we come down very very straight forward but be very deliberate in the way you practice this I recommend a practice swing of probably two to one ratio okay so two practice swings get a feel for it and go to the golf ball stop and hit and then away you go after you've done that for a period of time yes that to kind of make it a bit smoother but really take your time with this as always guys if you have any questions please leave in the comments box below and if you know anyone else who has a sway and you can might benefit from this video please share it I'd really appreciate that until next week have a great week goodbye hi it's Danny did you like this video if you did there's two things you could do right now want to subscribe to my channel and receive this content on a weekly basis the second thing you could do is you could head on over to my website right here and receive my weekly newsletter in that newsletter we have various different advice in PDF format you can access my podcast if I'm many many things that you cannot access on this channel head on over to it here until next week have a great golfing week.