Senior Golfer FIXES SLICE and gains 20+ yards in LIVE GOLF LESSON

driver drill live student lessons Jan 25, 2022

Full Transcript

you're just about to watch a live lesson which i give to a senior golfer who is struggling with his driver you're going to see him gain 20 yards but more importantly turn his slice into a draw what's super super cool that senior golfer is my dad i haven't seen him for six months he's just headed off back home put a great big smile on his face so i hope this puts a smile on your face too look over my shoulder right now and see what it's all about

that's exactly what i've been doing well that's my stock shot though that's the result yes it is now on trackman it never shows up as much but if you have a look at um this what the numbers don't lie so if you look at the club path you have a minus 11.9 right and a face that's a positive number and eight and those numbers basically mean here come look at down there for a second those numbers basically mean that you're swinging across the line of target to the left okay that's your choice 11.99 that's the other point nice you're coming across the ball right you're positive number eight means the face is actually aiming to the right anything to the right so that's the face is okay then no no no the face is aiming over there it's actually aiming basically they're swinging off directions your face is aiming over there and you're cutting across the ball right because the golf ball's round you're then putting that left to right side spin on it i've got you okay which then gives it that bend so not only that you because it's a glancing blower you'll also lose some distance too yeah so what we want to do now is we want to be able to obviously if we can straighten out that bend you'll hit it further and if we can get rather than get the energy going this way if we can get the energy going more this way you've got more energy going into the back of the ball yes so let's look a lot of people know what they're doing i they know that swinging the club path left etc yeah but they don't know how to fix it yeah i mean i didn't feel as though i was swinging to the right yeah yeah and a lot and this is this is the thing a lot of people are trying to they feel it they know what they need to do yes but they're unable to kind of make that change right so let's help you enhance that sensation a bit more right right so with that imagine a bullish round so if we take um an example like tennis let's grab my a tennis racket here so we want to change your spin so i want to imagine you right now you've got lots of left to right spin on if we could take you to the extreme and put lots of right to left on yes you'll start to neutralize this shot right so we've got to really exaggerate it yeah and if you imagine tennis right now what you're doing is is you are cutting across the line of the ball like this i want you to imagine in tennis you know i would imagine you're gonna put almost like some top spin on the shot all right okay so if you look at this here if i take this racket notice the angle i'm coming in here i'm going to literally try to aim to put some top spin on this shot yeah like this yep and not what do you notice about the angle of the racket

it sort of faces it facing towards his arch and it's actually see how there's an angle there i've held the angle what i haven't done is this right you've kept the arch through that through exactly so what i'm doing is is what i'm doing here is this in tennis if you want to put topspin on the ball the racket faces the ground right but how does the ball go up over the net we hit upwards yeah now in golf what i want to imagine and how this relates is this the longest hitters in the world have what you call high launch low spin so what they don't do is this they don't release the club like this in a flicky fashion that adds too much spin right yeah but they still want to get the ball up in the air yeah yeah yeah so what they do is they angle the club downwards the face almost feel like the loft is facing downwards and what they're doing is they're hitting up on the ball like this right i've got you fuller yes so what we're doing is we're now this is an easier way to get out to that right hand side versus watch when you release it here far too early too early you end up hit swinging to the left yeah that makes sense so you know literally imagine the loft facing down and what you're going to do if you're going to imagine just simply just putting some top spin on this ball right you follow i do as you're going out to the right let's start kind of small with it initially so it's this up that way that's it that's it yeah yeah so you're literally like so you're just getting that sense that you imagine you've got that loft is kind of facing down and you're literally you're just simply brushing up the back of that golf ball okay i'll just do a small small swings all we've got to do is see if we can change those numbers right once we can change those numbers then we'll start to amplify the power and how you generate some speed with it okay

oh my god look at that wow right so in a small it looks hugely exaggerated right yeah we look at the path your path straight away has gone from a minus number yes to a positive and what's the first happened that's a minus 8.7 so now the first is actually closing so you've now turned this is now working into what you've just seen the right to their family that's right right now you and i know that a slice has plagued you for how many years about 25 30 years right so what we've got to do here is you you know you that's that's that's too much yeah yeah definitely so so but this is amazing right you in one in one ball you have literally right changed it change it around so what we do is we spend a bit of time here for you feeling this martian for a second we don't want to amplify it too soon we don't want to rush into this right we just literally get you experiencing anywhere this vicinity here so that you can experience what is the draw all right yeah there we go

why would it draw yeah no no that's the fact that's i say that one that's the first

and this is really really normal by the way yeah you're jumping too quickly into power right so this isn't it this is a real danger that so many people fall into right they they get the tip they try to work on it for one or two balls yes with a couple of drawers yes and then bit immediately put the back it work back into the um putting on the full power and you know that because look that's where you started yes and went and we've already gone back to those numbers so what we want to be able to do is and it's normal we all do it i've done it all the time everyone we all want to kind of improve quickly of course yeah but i want you to just just stay around that hair it's going to take time isn't it yeah to get the you've got to explore where that draw path is yes you've got to explore the sensation of impact yeah and where that club face is you know how are you going to put that type of spin on yeah otherwise naturally what we'll all do is we'll all fall back into the hit mode from here that's right learn this yeah feel it and then bit by bit yeah i can increase the speed yeah yeah because you're learning a bit yeah that's how you learn that's how it sticks otherwise you have a lesson you go back to golf course we're back to where we were okay all right slow even slow look at this small we don't remember this we're just exploring path this area here that's what we're doing there you go only there yeah that's it that's the area there just putting top spin up on that ball like a tennis tennis show

that's more like it yes yeah in order for you to truly get it we have got to be that number's got it we're going to increase that number even more because then it shows to me and hopefully too i can do it actually if it's too close to the herb to zero be like even out there really well zero is perfect zero is like perfect that would be almost like dead straight shot right right zero zero is dead straight perfectly square face perfectly a square path we want to get you again if you imagine grab that tennis racket yeah just imagine from here you'd put the top speed on that way look at the right the face of the racket's down yeah you're brushing up there you go and this is like that the loft almost facing down brushing a lot of people are trying to release like this but when loft goes down we brush up that's it yeah so you get that sensation got it so start again just that small take your time with it that's it beautiful there you go

well that looked nice actually that looked nice there you go look at that there and look at these numbers look 5.5 inches behind the ball that means you're hitting up on it wonderful that's your upward motion right brilliant yep club path slightly into out but it's a positive number 0.6 not quite club face is closed brilliant yeah it's a really really good progress so what you're doing now is you don't rush it rush anymore you just spend some time just learning that sensation yeah yeah i always like hammering a nail into a piece of wood get a few cigars before you give it a good yeah and in golf it's it's longer than that get a few sighters develop that feel yeah before you that's it before you can then go i've got it now i'll give it a bit more a lot of people are often trying to stand parallel to excuse me to the target right yeah with a driver specifically you've got to naturally get your body aiming for right hands anywhere out to the right out to the right i see this imagine if i'm playing a shot with tennis i don't stand square like this and do this right and if i'm playing football here i'm standing here and then i bring it around same in golf this motion the whole body comes around just a fraction to create this motion here great ben hogan used to have be had a closed stance with his driver and open with his irons that's how you start hitting you create all this space look to work up into everything shoulders everything just slightly there all right so we can create that motion right so exactly so let's swing over to the right that's it

that's it just get that picture that shot feel that motion again no big ones initially

there you go lovely little draw look yeah look at that path there yeah 2.8 path minus 1.7 beautiful draw family now before we start ramping up speed and all that kind of stuff yes we need to get more of these numbers and that's what you need those numbers are good yeah when you're on a driving range you don't have trackman right what you've got to do is you've got to look at the flight of the show you pick out a target on a range okay out in front of you like maybe it's a post and your aim is can you set the ball off to the right of the post slightly to the right and can you get this curve that's what you do in a range when you don't have trackman okay okay and until you can start to do that yes don't start rushing and amplifying that power no no okay

might i close that a little bit too much there no i think i did yeah

but the key word is you felt you were i felt yes that's right right so now you're playing this is true practice you are starting to i didn't recognize that yeah i felt really exactly right over did it oh but it's you're starting to recognize now the movements that create spin yeah so you think about now you recognize those movements when you start slicing it what can you do you've now got a tool to get rid of that slice that's right so you've done it it makes sense yes yeah so when you leave this lesson and you get on that golf course you start slicing it you don't think how do i stop coming over the top as if you go let's see if i can put that right to left spin that's right spend time feeling happy that's been on it yes all right

yeah i'll work on the speed but that's

yeah i like that you want to get hit a bit further i'll try it right so again we always said so feeling sort of hitting it yeah so now you've got sensation of this motion here we're putting some top spin on okay what we're going to do is we're going to get a little bit more impulse into this motion so what you've got right now is this you've got the motion where you're doing this you're feeling yes very much so yeah this motion now if from here popping in for a second yeah your driver so you're feeling how to create spin you've got the angle here you're not releasing it here you the loft is facing what you've put it downwards yeah you're coming upwards here yeah now it's about learning to time that because there has to be at least naturally isn't it yeah and you don't hold on to this angle officially no that's what i've been doing i've been concentrating that much trying to get that i probably haven't been hanging on too much with it but that's giving you but it's giving me the the numbers yes so you're feeling what it's like to have an impact position right yeah which is great where we roughly need to be now it's how can you arrive at that impact position in a flowing and well a faster way that's right exactly so like throwing a ball we could you were doing this before now you're doing this right so you're doing this so all we've got to do is get the sensation of well how do you do this and this yes right is it easy no no but you've got that sensation of this now in your own way it's about adding some impulse into this motion okay now impulse as i say is basically imagine if we had a ball in our hands here and i was going to push it to you okay this wouldn't be impulse if i ball in my chest and i went less the ball would travel at what speed a lot more pretty fast where my hands gone though they're still here yeah they aren't doing this they're not pushing it along no so impulses arriving at this ball here putting topspin on and what i'm creating here impulse for golfers comes from everything but you can't think of it no no you can't think of the fact that just you know it has to feel natural it has to feel natural so you've got a sensation and you'll you'll just play around with just shallow yeah bit at a time just add that little impulse into this area here where you've been playing around with not the impulse there okay okay feel it feel that dry yeah now pause this that means you have to keep the picture of the spin in your mind as you're doing this okay

work great effort now look at that the adage yeah 203 now yeah yeah you've added a bit of um distance to it your club path is now 1.2 it's a fraction open that's all but not yes nothing like it was before no not at all right so this is a great i mean the fact that you know you've just started to add a bit of impulse yes that's a great start so that's more i've obviously done more speed there and i've had more control you've kept the control control and you've added a bit more speed the fact that your numbers haven't gone hair wire is a brilliant start great but as i said if they did and you're out in the driving range and you're starting to see the slice coming back right go back to the future just means you haven't just gone back to the basics and build the spin back in get aim at you your post start the ball off to the right of that post draw it back get that sensation yeah then once you've got it then amplify i can just gradually increase the speed gradually

brilliant well done oh that's better starting to creep up now so now look you're above the distance you had when you started but now yes you're creating a playable draw yes yeah that's what i'm that's what i'm looking for danny yep i can if i can sort of do that most of the time uh i'll be i'll be very very happy yeah go

okay that's awesome so if you ever look at that there your club path now 3.4 into out draw family face to path starting to close a little bit but whilst now you're adding distance right so you've managed to keep these in the right numbers right vicinity whilst increasing your distance yeah and what i loved about what you did there which is really helping to really ramp up this speed is i could see you're connected to the target and what i mean by that is when you stood over the golf ball you were looking out there like this right yeah so you started there yes then your body kind of shifted around a little bit here so your feet were then oh i've got to get out there then you've obviously learned the feel so you then start to apply the feels to create this motion yeah sometimes in a lesson what golfers do is they'll take that one tip maybe you've kind of felt oh i've got this kind of topspin type of feel but that's okay but unless you link it to the visualization the shot you're playing you start to miss out some key ingredients like stance and the subliminal messages that apply to the body to create that shot right so you've always got to link the two into you start with visualization what do you want to pray put go onto the drive range get that post imagine setting the ball off to the right of that post bringing it back create the spin right now that's a great feeling though exactly then amplify that speed right yeah and just take your time with it all right that's great awesome oh thanks danny a pleasure pleasure to see you so i hope you really really enjoyed this so just in summary you know simple simple stuff if you're playing um remember we play a round ball if you want to change the spin on that ball what you're going to have to do is literally change the spin so if you're slicing it you're going to be heading over this vicinity spend some time feeling what that's like with my dad you can see i got him kind of keeping the loft down putting some topspin on there getting his body then to react to the target work it back and then start to amplify it from there build it up one little stage at a time i hope you enjoyed this video i think this video will complement it really really well it was another live lesson with one of my good friends liam from uh golf mates hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share with one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel come and join the community by pressing the subscribe button right here but until next week have a great golfing week