The Golf Swing is SO MUCH EASIER when you do this
Feb 21, 2022Full Transcript -
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us in this video i want to help you add more distance to every club in your bag whilst at the same time still maintaining control of your ball striking and the direction because you probably find sometimes when you do try and add a few extra yards you start to kind of hit it everywhere all your ball striking suffers one of the reasons for that is a major misunderstanding about how to swing the club through the ball i want to share with you what that misunderstanding is because you know why it's really really important now before i do that if you're new to channels from your first videos of mine please consider subscribing sixty percent of you are watching this video and subscribe to the channel be great if you could join the community and also look i always put a free downloadable practice guide in the description box below so you never have to remember a thing so let me share with you what that misunderstanding is and then give you a three-step process on how you can begin striking all your clubs much better but more importantly hitting them a lot further with control so come and join me now if you can so here's the thing one of the big misunderstandings that i'm seeing with golfers is the misunderstanding of exactly how the wrists are supposed to be working through the swing this is what i'm seeing a lot i'm going to use a prop for this grab this is just an old club box okay here just a great visual right so here's what i'm seeing the wrists are supposed to do this they're supposed to when you swing you're supposed to swing the club head if you want club at speed you need to get the club head swinging right so the key is to when the club swings we want the wrists working and cocking so that when you get to about here the button of the golf club is pointing between ball line and your foot line and the club's up there somewhere yeah then what we want to do with that box we want to literally let the gravity of the club just fall down to the ground at some serious speed where the ball is then flow through right so in order to do that we need the wrist to work correctly what i'm seeing unfortunately is too much of this i'm seeing a drag back i'm seeing the club being lifted into position i'm seeing naturally you're trying to probably control the club now then i'm seeing you trying to maybe get it perfect to impact so it becomes more controlled but we need to get the club look releasing down to the ball
releasing down to the golf ball at the moment of impact at some serious speed but how do you do that and men then control here's how first thing you're going to learn how the wrists work and then we'll start to work on how you control all that motion with a great body motion so the first thing we do is grab your club take the club and literally start to allow to swing backwards and forwards allow the wrist to hinge so the club comes up falls down where the ball is and then continues to release through at no stage do you guide it in any shape or form you're always allowing it fall up and down feel the momentum of that golf club take it in your lead hand so you can educate both hands here let the wrists kind of hinge up let it fall down and then release through once you've done those two feelings join the two hands together here backwards and forwards and just get a sense of how those wrists are working immediately my bet is you're going to feel something different you might even feel god that danny that feels a little bit risky yes it is and we're going to control that now with the motion of the body to do that what you're going to need is some heavy weight an old bag you know this weighs about five kilos i created a detailed video on this by the way up in this top right hand corner but grab a heavy weight and the aim is is we don't want to have a risky and armsy swing okay we want the wrist working but we don't want the arms got pulling back we don't want the arms going out everywhere you won't be able to control us reset what we need to have happen is this we need the torso and the body to be helping those wrists so the wrists are bending but the arms are being controlled by the body motion look at how naturally i'm forming a triangle look between my shoulders and my arms because i'm swinging this heavy weight the heavy weight is stopping my arms just doing this make sense so once you've got the idea of this swing okay the body moving backwards and forwards spend some time doing that get a rhythm you then start to apply that sensation to the wrists so you want mobile wrists but you want to control the arms not by making them stiff but by guiding them look with body rotation look at this so literally the wrists are going up body's facing you and then look coming down let it fall to the ground and then swing through so let's hit a few shots showing you how to work on this before we show you how to add some serious power so we start off and i like to do this when i'm warming up on these ones i literally do a few swings my left hand catch it here check release down catch it love look right here i've still got that lovely triangle formed release down once you get a few of those feelings i literally just worked the golf ball don't waste too much time small small little shots no big shots at this stage just generating some feel and some speed and all i'm doing really is getting a sensation of exactly how this release works do another one like that bang release back catch it check same again no dragging no hitting no guiding still always releasing those clubs again nothing major right once you've got the sensation i'd spend some time there by the way before we go into the get some really serious power in feeling how all this works getting the sensations risk working then we want to look at generating how we add more power to this simple prop is a great visual this by the way jacket you can all do this jacket put it over those shoulders hold the shoulders like this and this is basically this is your free-flowing arms and wrists right now how are those arms going to work well you're going to have to use your body look at this i'm getting as i'm swinging how because i'm transferring my pressure from my right to my left i'm using the torso that the movement here look to swing those arms take this visual one two we've gotta learn look to swing the arms freely allowing those wrists to work for one and two big difference if you are start to try and move your body like this that's not going to work you've got to learn to kind of shift the body in such a way that's going to get those arms look slinging off the body imagine this now taking that same principle look at this i'm not going like this that's too wooden i'm allowing the wrist to go and my body look is going right left and i'm slinging can you picture the jacket on my shoulders now being slung backwards and forwards the arms out wooden on my jacket they're not doing this they're not steering they're being look slung off my body i'm not going with it i am slinging them now what makes this i think even more kind of um kind of dramatic is let me bring in a major even a bigger prop our editor video and editor leah hello welcome to the channel so if you don't do just stand there for a second right so good feeling good image for you if you stand a bit further of that yep i'm gonna grab leo's wrist for a second okay so power comes from using your body now to sling those wrists and at the same time your body is gonna control the motion if it was just hands and arms you'd hit everywhere so you need your body to one generate the power but also help you control what you're doing this is a great feeling and a great image grab i've got about leo by the list now what i'm going to do is i'm going to get some momentum first of all with leo watch i'm going to get some momentum and then i'm going to throw him this way now as i'm doing this can you see how i'm leading with my body to throw leah forward this is absolutely crucial right because thankfully because it's a great feeling as you can see when i had the jacket on there i'm using my body to look through the club what i'm not doing look is throwing the club here i'm using my body to throw it so taking those images what i want you to do now is this start off obviously very very small and get the sensation of your body moving into a position turning into a position where you can now look use it to throw the club down to the ground look and see how my body is being used it's throwing the club down to the ground once you've got the feeling of the small swings you can just simply gradually build it up one and two i usually use that phrase quite a lot one and two or one hundred and one one hundred and one that 101 is basically getting me to 100 and i mean i've got leah and i'm throwing leah forward let's have a look at this in action so let the wrist naturally flow 101
okay a little bit more clubhouse speed on this one there we go 90 mile an hour club head speed let's increase it a little bit more on this one a bit more speed
should be over 90 on that one there we go 91. so gradually and all i'm doing is all i'm doing is controlling that motion by throwing almost imagine throwing leo but i can get that speed and accuracy if those get stiff alright so three little steps watch the misunderstanding do not hold it and steer it let the wrist work feel how they work with both hands feel how to control them by using the weight and then use the image of the jacket on me throwing leah literally imagine your body's going to be in a certain place here to look move and throw get those sensations it's just images just feelings that you've got to start to work on but i hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with your friends and look sixty percent of you are watching are subscribed to the channel so come and join the community by pressing that subscribe button and the bell so you don't miss out on any future videos but until next week have a great golfing week