The Lazy Way To Hit Driver Straight
Jan 20, 2025Transcript Summary-
This week, two students—Paul and Bob—came to see me about hitting their driver straight. Here’s the funny bit: they’re great mates but had opposite problems. Bob was slicing wildly right and sometimes pulling left, while Paul was pushing shots right and snap-hooking left. They don’t have much time to practice and were looking for a quick, simple fix.
I gave them one key setup adjustment, and in just four balls, Bob went from slicing to hitting straight! If you’re struggling with your driver and want an easier way to straighten things out, this is the place to start.
Now, let’s break it down: Bob’s swing was way across the ball (swing direction -12.9°). The first step was aligning his clubface and forearms properly at setup. Bob thought his clubface was square, but his forearms weren’t aligned, causing his swing to go left. The fix? I had him close the clubface slightly, grip the club, and square off his forearms. This got everything in line and immediately started changing his swing path, helping him hit straight or even a slight draw.
Next, we worked on body movement through impact. Slicers often let their upper body move ahead of their lower body, causing steep, leftward swings. I had Bob focus on keeping his lead hip slightly forward at setup and maintaining that position through impact. This helped him swing more on an upward path and out to the right, creating a draw. Since Bob has a bad back, we kept his follow-through simple and pain-free, and the results were incredible!
For Paul, the adjustments were the opposite. His forearms and clubface were out of sync but in a way that caused hooks. We squared everything up at setup, opening the clubface slightly to neutralize the leftward path. With these changes, Paul started hitting straighter shots too.
These simple adjustments—forearm alignment, clubface position, and proper body motion—can transform your driver. If you’re struggling with slices, hooks, or just want to hit straighter, give this a go. Check out the video for full details, and grab your free practice guide in the description. Don’t forget to subscribe for weekly tips, and have an amazing golfing week! 🏌️♂️
Full Transcript - so two students come to see me this week wanting to know how to hit driver straight but here's the funny thing they're really good mates Paul and Bob and you got Bob who's slicing his driver all the way to the right occasionally pulling it miles left and Paul completely the opposite he would be a pusher of the ball to the right and he would snap hook the ball to the left so completely different swings now they don't have huge amounts of time to practice so they were kind of looking for almost a lazy way to hit driv straight and I gave them something unbelievably simple at set up to change that with Bob particularly within four balls he' gone from a big booming slice to wonderfully straight shots so if you're looking for a kind of a simpler way to hit driver straight I really think this is the place to start now before I get into the video look if you're new to the channel your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing at least videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve you game plus you never have to remember thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in that description box below
so typical this is exactly what Bob was doing big Big Slice much bigger than what we probably seeing on screen here really big uh Big Slice now it's not going to take long this they only came for an hour session had half an hour each now what we did with Bob is we wanted to change this number right here swing Direction look at it's a minus 12.9 he was around about minus 11 we needed it to become zero all it basically means is this his swing Circle was heading way across the line of the golf ball now he kind of knew this so then he tried to artificially try and swing it over here none of that was working so all we did was change this one simple thing so I see this a lot what Bob Boba done is this in order for us to create a beautiful Circle going straight into the back of the golf ball he need to make sure that his Club face matched his forearms so what he was doing unfortunately for him was his Club face was perfectly square and he's like well I'm aiming at the Target and I have no idea why I'm slicing it well the problem was his forearms were out of alignment so you look at my my lead forearm here my trail forarm if we draw a line on this Trail forarm is higher than my lead forarm here that means that when he came into impact and squared the face up the circle was heading left of the target and no amount of trying to get the club out here if you did try and swing it out this way and get it online where's the face pointing him where to the right so then you hit it even further right so all he did every single time look was take a swing swing across the line of the golf ball and slice it every single time this is what we did I needed everything lined up so I go to point the club to towards me and if you want to do this now if you slice it this is that's just a game changer got him to get get the club face here Square close it by about to maybe 11:00 then grip it then what I'm going to do look at this I'm going to square the face by squaring off those forearms now if you look at this my forearms now are in line and my clubs in line if I hit a shot now watch the
difference suddenly now we start hitting look a beautiful straight shot what do you notice with this number 2.6 immediately his swing Circle starts to change in this direction why well look now he's got the first matched up and the forearms are matched up he feels and this is what I did I exaggerated a little bit I even got his forearms just a little bit almost aiming in the the right direction just as an exaggeration but suddenly now look his lead shoulder is a bit higher this lead hand really important by the way because of this goes a little bit higher this is a great way of closing the face and everything now was set up to look create a swing Circle at head witch Direction more here let's compare that now to this makes sense yeah so getting yourself set up here where the clubs this is step one for him getting s uh the club in position where you're gripping it show forearms are completely Square to the face what I did with him to start with I got him to close it to 11:00 then grip it then move the forearms in just to exaggerate a little bit cuz I actually wanted him to create a little draw first and that's kind of what he did he was will chaffed but we needed also to change one more thing in the swing because his old habits were still there right so this was the final kind of cherry on the cake we got him kind of set up here now he's in a great position without this none of the next stage will work we got him in a great position from here I needed his body to work correctly so if you're slicing the golf ball I guarantee t one you haven't got step one in place and then two you do this in the swing so I want you to imagine a dot in the middle of my chest and then the middle of my hips here nearly every person that slices it when they get to the golf ball here this dot is almost certainly your head of this Dot and when that happens you come down steeply on it but look at this when this dot gets ahead of this dot you start to swing immediately look where watch left of the target if I was to get the bottom dot ahead of the top dot where do I swing now can you see how I'm going to swing more online or if anything even more to the right creating almost a beautiful draw style shape so I needed to get Bob feeling that this hips here one started a bit more forward this setup but also stayed there through the impact area to help him hit more up on the ball and more what he felt to the right and not down and to the left but there was a problem Bob has a very very bad back and one of the things he can't do which a lot of great players can do is when they finish their swing this dot here is way ahead of this dot he can't do that because it'll hurt his back so we made the best attempt so we got Bob to not try and finish all the way through here I got him to make some swings where this hip was just ahead of this as he was coming through impact even if he had to just stay here and that was enough so the way you work on this is really simple all you do is you take step one and the setup and then what you do is you make sure just at the start of your swing you've got a sense that this hip just is leading the way now as soon as Bob did this he felt that the lead side of his body here was much higher this is really important as this is much higher he's more lightly look to end up coming through this way versus look this way so as he's got his beautiful setup now I'm going to exaggerate this here the forearms now if anything for him we're almost aing a little bit right of Target which is absolutely fine his lead side felt a bit higher and now as he's swinging through he's really sensing that this lead hip here is higher than the trail hip not here here that's going to get him swinging beautifully through the shot and more out to right so what we should start to see now is a ball that sets off more to the right of the Target and actually if anything creates this beautiful draw style shape so I didn't hit that brilliantly well but watch this beautiful draw style shape I probably exaggerated it a bit there to 11.4 but that's what you do to start with you really push those motions and then you tune them down so you start hitting it much much straighter so you can probably already see even from that shot if you overdo this so if you're hooking the golf ball like Paul was he's basically doing exactly the opposite so what he's done is his forearms are aiming in this direction and the club face is square which means if if the forarms are aiming in this direction and then we look square off those four RS where's the face aiming left so we're in a hook position your Club fa is close to the path and that's basically what I've just done there almost in an exaggerated way so what did I do with Paul I simply just reversed it I simply got him here rather than this motion I got him opening up the Club face look and squaring it now this way now suddenly everything's more lined up so this is how you start to kind of in a sense immediately change and get rid of your slice and like I said with Bob we did it in four balls and then we started to kind of really get that lower dot leading the way through the impact area anybody can do this you can take this straight to the golf course if you have any comments any questions leave them in the comment box below if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up maybe share it if one of your friends and of course if you're looking at wanting to maybe improve your irons and want to know how this works with irons check this video out right here and of course if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button right here so I can give you videos like this every single week free practice plan in the description box below have a wonderful golfing week.