What Nobody Tells You About How to Strike Your Irons

iron strike irons better Nov 17, 2023



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Full Transcript- that's something that nobody really tells you when it comes to how to strike your irons you know and without knowing this you could be like stuck topping them along the ground or kind of fat in them or just not getting consistent contact so in this video what I'd love to do is share with you what that is which potentially could be stopping you from striking your irons and then give you like a three-step process that would first of all get you striking your irons properly then increasing the distance and then we'll show you the one thing that kind of really enhances that consistency now before we get into the three steps let me just explain this concept that a lot of people aren't or don't really understand when you're hitting a driver you want to hit the balls teeth forward in your stance we want to almost hit it at the bottom of the ax if you imagine that the swing is a circle when the club gets to the lowest point or the largest radius in the circle that is roughly when we're going to strike driver but when you hit a ball off the ground you don't want to do that you actually want to strike the ball then the ground I'm sure you're aware of this so we we create the same Circle but this time we catch the ball early on in the ax we strike the ball before the club reaches its lowest point to do that we have to have the ball naturally further back in our stance but this is where the problem Lies come on look at this so this is we're going to class this a zero here right this is the lowest point of your Arc Now with an iron you don't want that you want the ball for the back in your stance so we're going to move the ball actually further on the yak back here now that means that if you're hitting an iron shot you're actually going to catch one of these balls okay so let's say we're going to go for that ball there we're going to catch that ball whilst the club is actually heading to the right of the target it actually doesn't actually come back towards the target until after it's hit the golf ball so what does that mean that means that the natural geometry of your ball striking with irons is a fly that should head off first of all to the right of the target okay that's when the ball should actually set off if you follow the natural circle of the swing the question is how do you hit it straight how do you get the ball back on target if that's the case well that's where step number one comes in let's get started

okay so look at that it's a pretty typical shot from this position so if you want to hit shots like that on a regular basis you've got to keep that mindset of you are going to strike the ball early on in the arc so the ball should set off slightly to the right of the Target and if you want it to come back we've got to do something with the club face okay this is super super important most people are trying to hit irons dead straight this is what happens when you try and hit an iron straight you're going to end up doing this okay you're going to end up with a shaft two straight impact this is your fat shot so imagine this if I'm swinging here and I'm coming down into impact and I try to kind of hit the ball straight I'm gonna start to kind of get the shaft almost doing this to square the face this gets me fatting it okay or you might keep the handle ahead but now you kind of try to come around and hit it straight by coming more over the top you must commit to a path that strikes the ball out to the right before it comes back around okay so step number one bake this into your setup when you're setting up here we've got ball position three balls in from our lead shoulder here okay we get ourselves set up with a ball position look back in your stance here three balls back the hand position is opposite lead leg and what I'm going to do is as I've moved this club around look the club face could be pointing to the right so I'm going to close that club face down a little bit then I'm gonna grip it this is important okay I'm also going to position 55 of my weight over on this left side all this is doing every single time is baking in this kind of hitting the bowl early and getting the low point after the golf ball put that into your setup so I'll move my ball three balls back I've closed the face then I've gripped it put 55 of my weight over on my lead side then I go this is the first stage in Striking it

and that should be a typical shot for you with an iron okay so if you look at the shape here the ball is set off to the right of the Target and drifted back why I put on a perfect circle okay I've caught the ball early on in the arc okay which means the boss is set off to the right what got the ball coming back well I baked that into the setup by closing the face a little bit then gripping it I've maintained that shaft angle at setup I baked all of that in to the setup that gets that ball setting off to the right and coming back okay so this is the first step I want you to put into striking irons properly now let's move to step number two

oh so look at that one this is typical so look at this I hit that 5.1 inches behind the golf ball it's a horrible one isn't it but I set up correctly I did all the things we just did in Step number one but it didn't quite work this often is the case sometimes okay so let me explain what you need to do now we still want to get that ball Turf contact okay to do that we want to get this handle naturally impact ahead of the ball strike so when we're here we want to get that kind of like handle naturally ahead but golfers have tried this they're trying to force this issue and that's the problem so here's what I want to do if you can just pause the video for a little bit grab a golf club because you can do that actually indoors what I want you to do is I need you to do two things I need you to first of all get rid of all Force get some momentum in this club that's the first thing just get the feeling of this club doing this okay backwards and forwards now as you're doing this I'm holding in my fingertips without moving my body that's club now is going to release like this and that would be a fat shot why because the handle look is behind the club head at the moment he strikes the golf ball so if I just kept doing this and do anything else that's what would happen every single time this is you if you're worried about striking you don't move but what do what could I do what could you do to get that handle naturally ahead without forcing it see a difference watch where the handle is and when the club releases now and all I'm doing is getting a sense that my pressure is moving more and more onto this front far that is it it's more Dynamic that's all it is so you can feel this feeling in both hands holding the fingers I don't move it's going to do this now watch it's still going to do that but it's gonna do that later and that's what golf swing is this never tried to force these angles it's like can you get those angles correct in the most natural and flowing way out no stage do I want you to lose that beautiful Club head speed going through so you'll notice now I've got myself set up and now what I'm going to do is I'm going to really sense when how I get that club releasing later why by moving my pressure more and more onto my front foot through the moment of him but if I hang back clearly the club is going to release earlier yeah if I just naturally fall forward I don't try and keep the handle ahead it will do it automatically okay so I focus on that get myself set up get myself preset get myself set here make a swing

work through the shot beautiful strike low point now look 2.8 inches after the golf ball absolutely perfect nice straight shot so that is Step number two get a sense of first of all the free-flowing golf swing and then how you can move or orientate your body to naturally allow that club to release at the correct time okay let's move to step number three so before I get into step number three I just realized that sixty percent of you who are watching this video aren't subscribed to the channel Now by subscribing it's completely free to do so and it really helps me kind of bring on some bigger guests which we've got some cool ones coming this year so if you want and you'd love to kind of join us every single week complete for each user just press that subscribe button and the Bell so I can notify you when I release a video just like this one so without further Ado let's get into step number three so I took Stuart a recent student of mine yesterday through these steps and it was working absolutely brilliant but the real icing on the kit which kind of took him from just striking it to really increasing his yardage by a good 20 25 yeah I think we did if they'll let me know to do it if you if you're watching in the comments below I think it was about 25 wasn't it with your irons this was kind of the extra the icing on the cake so we'd gone through setup we'd start to add some flow to his swing he wasn't kind of just steering it now okay and he started to get a sense of where his body needed to be for this club to naturally bottom out in the right place but he got his body here but it almost stayed here so he felt very stuck and this was robbing him of a lot of power so yes he was striking the ball yes he was striking the ball then the ground but it was stuck why because he didn't finish off the movement with the body and this is what we call extension okay so what I want you to do and I'd love you to maybe even take a screenshot of this okay so you can see the difference a lot of golfers in their attempt to strike the ball properly stay down for too long the problem when you do that is you don't get what I call the Catapult motion through the shot this kind of motion right so in order for us to get the Catapult through the shot okay our bodies need to work upwards so I love to teach my students kind of almost an image first so one of those is get yourself set and position put a baby 89 of your weight over onto your sleeves so I just push it forward like this so literally slide it forward then what I want to do is turn your hips as far as they'll go okay through the impact area heels right heels working inwards towards my left and I'm simply just going to push and extend my arms out in through uh up out in front of me here whilst at the same time just extending backwards this is get an image I want you to take a screenshot of because most people are never here they're more like this okay through the impact extend yourself up give yourself a destination of where to go because when you now know you've got to go here it provides oh I've got to go there it's going to provide you with room to come through now you'll notice I'm giving this a step number three because if you're on your back foot trying to do that that's never going to work so you get the orientation of strike first but once you've got that strike then catapult it upwards through the impact this is what's going to really start to amplify the distance combined with the strike

and that just kind of really finishes the job off okay and it helps you it's still a little bit right curves it back to the left hand side so question is I'm sure a little bonus tip here you might be asking things oh how do players then hit their shot straight because you've probably seen it well they do this one of the things that they do to hit it straighter okay so they don't if you don't want to play that curve they do stuff like this so if you think of this this is kind of like the perfect circle what they may do is is we've said let the ball slightly back in your stance here well well you can't hit it straight right so what they'll do is they'll go okay I'm going to change the song I'm going to keep straight but I'm going to change the circle in my swing so what they'll do is they'll either do one or two things they'll either change the circle in their swing so now suddenly their circles heading more this way so that then straightens the ball out okay so I'll do it in swing all what they'll do and you've seen some of the top players in the past and this like a Lee Trevino what they'll do is they'll go okay I'm hitting the ball early I'm going to actually aim the ball hey my body look a little bit left the target okay now what I'm going to do is I'm going to adjust my club face and I'm going to get my swing circles going to be here here but because I catch the ball early that ball should still go straight

and what's going to create now look is a shot maybe I'll overcooked to a fraction where your swing Direction starts to go a bit left to Target but that shot now is reasonably straight down the Fairway even though I've aimed left okay so understanding this geometry is the key for great ball striking with your irons it's going to be key for your consistency so do me a favor leave a comment down below let me know what you think see if it's going to help and share with somebody who you think could benefit from a video like this of course look if you're new to the channel remember I put a free download practice guide in the description box below so you'll never have to remember a thing and look check this video out right here which kind of will the compliments it talks about the driver because the drive is different isn't it bulbs is just like for the forward how does that influence the whole shape of your shot okay check it out I'll see you next time.

Transcript Summary- 

Let's dive into the secrets of striking your irons like a pro. There's something crucial that many folks overlook when it comes to iron play, and without this knowledge, you might find yourself topping, hitting fat shots, or struggling with consistency. Today, I'm going to share the key concept and a three-step process to help you nail your iron shots consistently.

So, here's the deal. When hitting a driver, we want the ball toward the front of our stance, aiming to catch it at the bottom of the swing's circle. But with irons, it's different. We want to catch the ball before the lowest point in the swing circle. That means placing the ball further back in the stance. Now, here's the catch – the natural geometry of your iron shots will make the ball head off to the right of the target initially.

To counter this and get that ball back on target, we start with Step 1. Set up with the ball three balls back from your lead shoulder, close the club face slightly, and shift 55% of your weight onto your front foot. This setup is crucial for getting the right initial direction.

Moving on to Step 2, we need the club to release naturally. Avoid forcing the handle ahead; instead, focus on a smooth, free-flowing swing. Feel the release happening organically without any excessive force. This maintains clubhead speed and prevents issues like fat shots.

Now, Step 3 is where we add the finishing touch. We want extension through the shot. Shift your weight forward, turn your hips, and extend your arms, creating an upward motion. This ensures that your club has the room to come through, boosting both distance and strike quality.

And here's a little bonus tip for those who want to hit it dead straight. You can adjust either your swing circle or your aim slightly left of the target, understanding the geometry to achieve the desired shot shape.

So, there you have it, my three-step process to strike your irons like a pro. Implement these tips, and you'll be on your way to more consistent, powerful iron play. If you found this helpful, drop a comment below, let me know your thoughts, and share this with someone who could use some help with their iron game. And hey, don't forget to subscribe for more golf tips. I'll catch you next time on the course!